Information Possibly Outdated
The information presented on this page was originally released on January 8, 2018. It may not be outdated, but please search our site for more current information. If you plan to quote or reference this information in a publication, please check with the Extension specialist or author before proceeding.
Workshop scheduled for produce growers
VERONA, Miss. -- Produce growers can enhance their operations through an upcoming workshop hosted by the Mississippi State University Extension Service.
The 2018 North Mississippi Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference will be held at the MSU Agri-Center in Verona Feb. 8-9. Registration is $30 at the conference but $25 for those who preregister before Jan. 25.
The theme for this year’s workshop is “Sustaining Ag Into the Future.” Topics include production methods, research updates, variety trials and sustainable practices.
Each day will offer general sessions in the morning for all attendees and specialized break-out sessions after lunch. Vendors will display their services and products.
The registration fee covers conference handouts, a lunch on the first day, refreshments and email newsletters during the growing season.
For a registration form, email Jeff Wilson at [email protected] or call 662-566-2201. Mail preregistration fees to the MSU North Mississippi Research and Extension Center at P.O. Box 1690, Verona, MS 38879. Make checks payable to Mississippi State University -- F&V Conference.
The MSU Agri-Center is located at 5395 Mississippi Highway 145 in Verona. The conference will be held in the facility’s Magnolia Building.