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Mississippi State University personnel harvest Rex rice foundation seed at the Northeast Mississippi Branch Experiment Station on Sept. 16, 2014. (Photo by Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station/Randy Vaughan)
October 7, 2014 - Filed Under: Agriculture

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mississippi State University’s foundation seed program, a unit of the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, has provided seed to Mississippi seed distributors and growers for 55 years.

Brad Burgess, MSU director of research support for variety testing and foundation seed, oversees the program. Major crops include sweet sorghum, soybean and rice. MSU also produces foundation sweet potato slips and some minor crops as well.

Butterfly bushes such as this Flutterby Petite Tutti Frutti offer a long season of welcome to butterflies. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/ Gary Bachman)
October 6, 2014 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

Probably every gardener enjoys the fall season with cooler weather and extra butterfly activity. If you’re one who can’t get enough of the butterflies, you should consider including one of my favorites, the butterfly bush, in your landscape.

Butterflies and even hummingbirds love the flowers of this plant, which is known botanically as Buddleia.

With sweet potato harvest halfway done in Mississippi, growers are finding a beautiful but small crop. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/ Kevin Hudson)
October 3, 2014 - Filed Under: Sweet Potatoes

VARDAMAN -- A dry September put a damper on Mississippi sweet potato production, but the rain in early October may help the crop remaining in the field.

Stephen Meyers, sweet potato specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said sweet potato fields received about an inch of rain Oct. 3.

“We’re optimistic that this rain will help size up the storage roots, but because of muddy conditions, producers will probably be out of the field for two days, and then resume harvest,” Meyers said.

October 3, 2014 - Filed Under: Community, Technology

If you have ever searched the Internet to find the perfect restaurant or hotel, you are not alone.

Nearly 90 percent of Americans search online to find out what others are saying before they decide to fork out their hard-earned cash, but only 6 percent of us actually take the time to write an online review. Writing a review can be tedious, but well-written reviews can make a huge difference in your local community and its economy. Often, out-of-town visitors look to those online reviews to determine where to dine and shop while they are in the area.

Krysta Harden
October 3, 2014 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Farming, Agricultural Economics

TUNICA -- The nation’s farmers and agricultural landowners have some important decisions to make in the next six months.

Krysta Harden, deputy secretary for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, met with farmers and others at the Tunica Museum on Sept. 29 to answer questions about programs available in the new farm bill.

While the delay in passage of the farm bill created some deadline challenges, Harden said USDA is working with the Extension Service in each state to help farmers and landowners understand the process, which is managed through the Farm Service Agency.

Adult venomous snakes, like this copperhead, will use camouflage or run away to avoid conflict, rather than strike first. (Photo from iStock.)
October 3, 2014 - Filed Under: Nuisance Wildlife and Damage Management, Snakes

“The only good snake is a dead snake” is an attitude probably triggered by common myths about snakes.

Snake myths are found in cultures around the globe, giving evidence of the troubled relationship between people and these reptiles. People are often afraid when they do not need to be. There are more snake myths than one article can cover, but let’s expose a few of the more common ones to the truth.

Myth: Rattlesnakes always give a warning rattle before they strike.

Farmweek logo
October 2, 2014 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Farming, About Extension

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mississippi’s oldest agricultural television news show begins its 38th season Oct. 3 on Mississippi Public Broadcasting.

Farmweek, produced by the Mississippi State University Extension Service and the MSU Office of Agricultural Communications, airs weekly on Mississippi Public Broadcasting and RFD-TV.

Artis Ford, Farmweek’s managing editor and reporter for almost 30 years, said Friday’s show will mark the 1,880th airing. Viewers also will notice a few changes this season as a result of a viewership survey conducted in 2014.

The annual Fall Flower and Garden Fest in Crystal Springs is one of the premier gardening events in the Southeast. Last year, about 5,000 people attended the two-day event. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman)
September 29, 2014 - Filed Under: Community, Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

More than 30 years ago, an idea was sown that the gardening public in Mississippi needed a fall field day. What started then as a small demonstration garden has blossomed into the annual Fall Flower and Garden Fest at Mississippi State University’s Truck Crops Branch Experiment Station.

Shrubs, trees, bedding plants and seasonal mums are displayed at Evergreen Garden Center in Louisville on Sept. 24, 2014. Gardeners bought more landscaping products in 2014 than in recent years. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kevin Hudson)
September 26, 2014 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Landscape Architecture

RAYMOND -- Mississippi’s horticulture industry is seeing an increase in business for the first time since Hurricane Katrina swept away a large chunk of the state’s infrastructure, inventory and markets.

“The nursery, greenhouse and landscape segments are looking up right now,” said Geoff Denny, horticulture specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service. “People are buying more of these horticulture products. We’re seeing an increased demand for trees, and we’ve actually got a deficit of trees right now.”

Invasive cogongrass is taking over many Mississippi fields, including these in Clay County. Cogongrass is an exotic plant species from Asia that has aggressively expanded its range in the Southeastern United States and is difficult to control. (Photo courtesy of Rocky Lemus)
September 26, 2014 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Weed Control for Crops, Weed Control for Forages, Environment, Invasive Plants

Ray Iglay, Certified Wildlife Biologist
MSU Department of Wildlife Fisheries and Aquaculture

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Driving along Mississippi highways is always best when the surrounding landscapes capture the driver’s imagination. Our road systems serve as scenic byways showcasing nature’s beauty.

Mississippi State University Sustainable Bioproducts department head Rubin Shmulsky tells students at the 2013 Wood Magic Fair sawmill station about lumber manufacturing. (College of Forest Resources/File photo)
September 26, 2014 - Filed Under: Forestry, Wood Products, Wildlife

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Wood is a major part of Americans’ daily lives. In fact, wood consumption in the U.S. is five and a half pounds per person per day. This is just one of the fascinating facts fourth graders will discover about wood when they visit Mississippi State University’s Wood Magic Science Fair.

MSU will host about 4,000 children, teachers and visitors Oct. 6 through 10. They will learn about forestry, sustainable bioproducts and wildlife.

Mississippi State University experts will discuss cattle such as these at the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station's Prairie Research Unit in Monroe County during the Oct. 25 Fall Beef Cattle and Forage Field Day in Prairie, Mississippi. (File photo)
September 26, 2014 - Filed Under: Forages, Beef

PRAIRIE -- Beef and forage producers will receive current recommendations on a variety of topics influencing production success at a field day on Oct. 25.

The 2014 Fall Beef Cattle and Forage Field Day will begin at 9 a.m on that Saturday at the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station’s Prairie Research Unit in Monroe County. A sponsored lunch will conclude the event.

MAFES researchers and Mississippi State University Extension Service agents and specialists will provide information on nutrition, marketing and other issues related to beef production.

Mississippi State University President and 4-H alumnus Mark Keenum encourages current and former members of the state's 4-H Youth Development program to participate in the upcoming National 4-H Week's #iam4H campaign set for Oct. 5-11, 2014. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Linda Breazeale)
September 24, 2014 - Filed Under: 4-H

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- One week each October packs a double thrill for Mississippi 4-H’ers.

National 4-H Week, held Oct. 5-11, overlaps with the Mississippi State Fair, which runs from Oct. 1-12.

This year, 4-H’ers will promote both the state and national events through social media. The theme for the 2014 National 4-H Week is #iam4H.

After processing, deer meat must be put into the freezer immediately for best flavor and highest quality. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Bonnie Coblentz)
September 24, 2014 - Filed Under: Environment, Wildlife, Food Safety, White-Tailed Deer

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- In Mississippi, more than 200,000 deer are harvested each year, providing families with a source of free-range meat. However, hunters must exercise care when processing deer to ensure good-tasting, high quality, safe meat products.

Ryan Akers, an assistant Extension professor in the Mississippi State University School of Human Sciences, left, receives Champions of Change recognition from Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator Craig Fugate at recent ceremonies in Washington, D.C. Additionally, the Mississippi Youth Preparedness Initiative, which is coordinated by Akers, won the national FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness Award for Most Outstanding Youth Preparedness program. (Submitted photo)
September 24, 2014 - Filed Under: Disaster Preparedness, Family

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- A Mississippi State University Extension Service youth initiative and its coordinator earned national honors this month for efforts to prepare communities for disasters.

Drivers should reduce speed anytime they approach a vehicle with a slow-moving-vehicle, or SMV, sign. The small orange triangle indicates a vehicle is traveling below the speed limit. (Photo by Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station/ David Ammon)
September 24, 2014 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Farming, Farm Safety

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- This week marks National Farm Safety and Health Week and it is the perfect time to recognize the dangers of harvest equipment on the highways.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, 70 percent of traffic fatalities in Mississippi occur on rural roads. In addition to being more common, crashes on rural roads tend to be more severe and are more likely to result in death. Farm equipment can be a hazard rural roads any time of year, but harvest time means increased traffic.

Soil samples undergo pH testing at the Mississippi State University Soil Testing Laboratory Sept. 8, 2014. Researchers at MSU's Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville are conducting a study to determine whether soil test correlations and calibration methods are still accurate for today's improved crop production systems. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kevin Hudson)
September 22, 2014 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Crops

STONEVILLE -- The thousands of dollars farmers invest in equipment, seed and labor to produce row crops, such as soybeans, cotton and corn, is wasted if they do not have quality soil.

“Everything ties back to how well the soil is maintained,” said Bobby Golden, an agronomist and researcher with the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station at Stoneville. “If we didn’t have a strong, stable foundation, which is the soil, the crop yields we produce wouldn’t exist.”

The foliage of Mahogany Splendor hibiscus is its main attraction, providing awesome color, height and excitement in the landscape. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman)
September 22, 2014 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

After the heat we’ve had this summer, thank goodness fall officially arrives this week. Fall was always a favorite season for me growing up in Michigan because it meant cooler weather, going to the cider mill and, of course, the beautiful red and orange tree colors.

Living in Mississippi, I still like fall, but I miss the foliage colors. A few red maples scattered about will put on a fiery orange show some years, but it’s not the same as in the North. If you want fall foliage color in the South, here are a few of my favorite plants that should make you happy.

Mississippi hay supplies are expected to be low going into winter. Factors that contributed to low production include a very cold winter, a wet spring and an abundance of armyworms. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Scott Corey)
September 19, 2014 - Filed Under: Forages

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- High demand for hay last winter, a wet spring and heavy insect pressure have all challenged the state’s pastureland, which means hay may be scarce this winter.

Rocky Lemus, forage specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said these factors pushed the state’s hay inventories 20 percent lower than the three-year average.

Kelvin Jackson, a conservationist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture/Natural Resources Conservation Service, plants a mix of rye, wheat, winter pea and crimson clover as a cover crop in Winston County on Sept. 12, 2014. No-till cover crop planting helps to retain soil moisture and reduce erosion. (Photo courtesy of USDA/NRCS Kavanaugh Breazeale)
September 19, 2014 - Filed Under: Environment, Wildlife

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Whether you are a small-scale gardener, a large agricultural producer or somewhere in between, you probably know that soil health is just as important to your success as water and sunshine.

