MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Several wildlife groups will assist in an event for future hunters on Feb. 14 in an effort to lay the foundation for safe and responsible hunting.
Mississippi State University’s Department of Wildlife and Fisheries in the College of Forest Resources is offering a squirrel hunt for young people. The hunt will take place at the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge, located southeast of Starkville.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Marriage education providers will gather Feb. 12 in Jackson as part of a statewide initiative to raise awareness about the benefits of a healthy marriage and resources for troubled relationships.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mississippi gardeners will have an opportunity to attend a new exposition honoring plants and all things related to them at an event the first weekend in March.
The Everything Garden Expo will take place March 7 and 8 at the Mississippi Horse Park, located on Mississippi State University’s South Farm. Doors will be open from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Saturday and from noon until 5 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is $5, and children 7 and younger are admitted free.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mississippi State University specialists have put together the schedule to train the next wave of Master Gardeners who will serve the landscape and horticulture needs of the state through their volunteer efforts.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Agriculture specialists will address management of pests in peanuts, grains, pine trees, cattle, blueberries and landscapes during a day-long workshop on Feb. 10 in Raymond.
The annual pest management workshop will take place at Mississippi State University’s Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center auditorium. Registration is $10 and begins at 8 a.m., and the program begins at 8:30 a.m. Sessions will conclude by 4:30 p.m.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Four qualified 4-H'ers will have the chance to participate in state government for one week in March serving in either the Mississippi Senate or House of Representatives.
The Mississippi State University Extension Service 4-H program and the Center for Governmental Training and Technology are sponsoring the opportunity for 4-H youth to serve in the Legislative Page Internship Program March 16-20. Program coordinators hope to select two male and two female 4-H’ers for the positions.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Women, who are often the sole decision makers in their agricultural businesses, are the target audience for an upcoming seminar in the Mississippi Delta.
The three-day program will help participants learn how to make the best choices for their businesses and lay the groundwork for future educational opportunities.
By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center
A trendy new word used throughout the landscape design industry is “nesting,” and the outdoor fireplace certainly has become a focal point in new nests. While the phrase “feather your nest” may be for the birds, each of us has that opportunity as well.
By Patti Drapala
MSU Ag Communications
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Young people learn Mississippi history through textbooks, but visiting the 4-H Learning Center and Pete Frierson Museum in Jackson can give them a unique opportunity to experience the past through the eyes of their ancestors.
More than 30,000 youth have toured the learning center since it opened in December 2007 at the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum complex on Lakeland Drive. Some visitors were veteran while others were only vaguely aware of 4-H and the opportunities it affords youth.
By Karen Templeton
MSU Ag Communications
MISSISSIPPI STATE – The wedding march begins, the doors open, the guests rise and here comes . . . Fido, Bowser and Snowball wagging down the aisle.
For better or worse, dogs are becoming the new nontraditional members of wedding parties. Many couples wouldn't dream of leaving their favorite dog out of that special day. Although not as common, some couples have their cats and birds take part in wedding celebrations.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Children can make a wedding memorable in a lot of ways, but the happiest memories are made when guests and the wedding party work together to plan their involvement.
When guests remember that the focus of the wedding day is the bride and groom, decisions like whether or not to bring children to the event become a lot easier to make.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Out-of-town wedding guests travelling with children should add “child care” to the list of arrangements they have to make when planning the trip.
Caring for children on the big day can add stress to the enjoyable event, especially when the guests are unfamiliar with the place they are visiting. Many people avoid the issue entirely by either bringing someone to care for their child while they are at the wedding or leaving the child at home with a caregiver.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Friends and family can help young newlyweds begin their lives together by stocking their kitchens with quality basics.
Marlana Walters, owner of The Everyday Gourmet on County Line Road in Jackson, said when the economy is hurting, quality becomes increasingly important, even if it costs more.
“Brides are becoming more selective and value-conscious. Quality items will last forever, and couples will be less likely to need to replace them,” Walters said. “Just remember that you do not have to have everything at once. Get the basics first.”
By Patti Drapala
MSU Ag Communications
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Some wedding traditions are okay to break, while others are best left alone.
If Emily Post is not available, the next best person to ask is someone with considerable knowledge and skill in wedding productions. This person can be a member of a church assigned to this task, a mother of the bride or a professional wedding planner. It is a safe bet that one of these individuals has the experience to offer good advice.
By Patti Drapala
MSU Ag Communications
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Newlyweds believe their future is rosy, but before they know it, the bloom can wither and dissatisfaction can dominate the relationship.
Problems often arise unexpectedly because couples do not prepare well for marriage. Some have not invested enough time in getting to know the person they are marrying or have not explored their individual philosophies about family, fidelity, finances and fighting.
By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center
Flames are dancing in the fireplace and I know an arctic blast is on its way, but I am looking at photos of Cotton Candy, Wine and Cheese, and Roccoco, which sounds like a delightful chocolate. These tasty-sounding names are all new selections of verbenas.
While we're stuck inside waiting for warmer weather to arrive and the rain to stop, this is a great time to plan which plants you will use this year in your landscape and mixed containers.
By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center
A lot of people dread winter because the landscape starts looking a little like Siberia, but it doesn't have to be that way if you remember the “three Bs”: bones, berries and bark.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Extensive, lingering rains have turned much of the state into a soggy mess while replenishing rivers and lakes and recharging groundwater stores.
Charles Wax, state climatologist at Mississippi State University, said 2007 was the worst year of the recent, multi-year drought the state experienced. The end came in 2008 when above-average rainfall came in August and heavy rains began in late November.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Volunteers, instructors, therapists and an ideal facility came together in 2008 to earn reaccreditation for Mississippi State University’s 4-H therapeutic riding program.
Now in its eighth year, the 4-H Therapeutic Equestrian Activity Member program offers horseback riding to children and adults who have challenges ranging from autism to spinal injuries.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- A Feb. 11-13 workshop hosted by the Mississippi State University Extension Service will help restore the whistle of the bobwhite to properties throughout the Southeast.
Designed for landowners, the intensive workshop includes detailed information on bobwhite biology and management. The on-campus workshop in Tully Auditorium at MSU’s Thompson Hall will give landowners the tools to manage their property for bobwhite quail.
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