Harvest of the Month: Greens

Greens are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber! (Photo by Adobe Stock)
Greens are about as Southern of a food as you’ll find. Growing up, my grandparents almost always had a bowl of greens at the lunch table.
There are several different types of greens, including collard, mustard, turnip, Swiss chard, kale, and spinach. They are cool-season vegetables, meaning they are in season in the fall and spring.
Greens are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They’re also low in calories, making them a great food to eat if you are eating in a calorie deficit!
When buying greens, it’s important to remember they cook down significantly. One pound of greens cooks down to only about one or two cups of greens. That big bag of uncooked spinach really isn’t that much cooked spinach!
Before cooking greens, remove any wilted or yellow leaves and remove hard stems.
Here are a few recipes that include greens for you to try:
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