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Human Sciences- Early Childhood

MSU Mailstop:
Mailing Address:
255 Tracy Drive
Mississippi State , MS
Physical Address:
255 Tracy Drive
Mississippi State , Mississippi


Name Job Title Email
Portrait of Ms. Jessie Allen Ms. Jessie Allen Center Operations Coordinator [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Amy Ann Alvis Ms. Amy Ann Alvis Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Haley Breana Amacker Ms. Haley Breana Amacker Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Ms. Shannon S Anicas Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Joyce Antoinette Arbuthnot Ms. Joyce Antoinette Arbuthnot Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Cisley Timina Barksdale Ms. Cisley Timina Barksdale Area Coordinator [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Leigh Ellen Bee Ms. Leigh Ellen Bee Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Albertina Deshandria Bell Ms. Albertina Deshandria Bell Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Rhonda Rochelle Bonner Ms. Rhonda Rochelle Bonner Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Savanna Danielle Bonney Ms. Savanna Danielle Bonney Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Jerri Michelle Breland Ms. Jerri Michelle Breland Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Ms. Alexis Danielle Brookins Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Ms. Jadicka Cherie Brown Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Brittany Nicole Buckley Ms. Brittany Nicole Buckley Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Annis Nicole Butt Ms. Annis Nicole Butt Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Kelly Carmody Ms. Kelly Carmody Project Director [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Toya T. Carney Ms. Toya T. Carney Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Bridget Nicole Carpenter Ms. Bridget Nicole Carpenter Business Coordinator [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Norma Jean Carson Ms. Norma Jean Carson Child Care Training Coord [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Cynthia Ann Clayton Ms. Cynthia Ann Clayton Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Ms. Noelle Veronica Cresante Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Mai Huynh Thi Dang Ms. Mai Huynh Thi Dang Administrative Assistant I [email protected]
Ms. Hannah Ruth Dean Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Dr. Tara Lea Dickerson Dr. Tara Lea Dickerson Project Director [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Corine Martin Diew Ms. Corine Martin Diew Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Ranadau Dillard Ms. Ranadau Dillard Office Associate [email protected]
Ms. Sierra Denise Drury Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Michele Easterling Ms. Michele Easterling Office Associate [email protected]
Ms. Jahquishia Desha Samone Easterling Project Coordinator [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Amelda C. Ellis Ms. Amelda C. Ellis Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. LaLetrice Fletcher Ms. LaLetrice Fletcher Child Care Training Coord [email protected]
Ms. Betty Ann Floyd Assistant Cook [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Mary Foster Ms. Mary Foster Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Ms. Terri Nicole Froelicher Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Terri Marie Gazaway Ms. Terri Marie Gazaway Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Ms. Myia Nicole Grimme Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Jakerria Lasha Hall Ms. Jakerria Lasha Hall Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Kaila Ann Hand Ms. Kaila Ann Hand Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Shuwanda Redeemer Hardy Ms. Shuwanda Redeemer Hardy Center Operations Coordinator [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Carolyn Ann Harris Ms. Carolyn Ann Harris Area Coordinator [email protected]
Ms. Camille Marsha Hayes Asst Dir, Mon, Comp & Oper [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Marvena Lonita Haynes Ms. Marvena Lonita Haynes Educ Leader-Center Dir [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. LaTasha W Heidelburg Ms. LaTasha W Heidelburg Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Redonna Lynn Hendry Ms. Redonna Lynn Hendry Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Ms. Azharia Hersey Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Jacey Nichole Hogue Ms. Jacey Nichole Hogue Office Associate [email protected]
Ms. Sarah K Hollis Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Nikita Lynn Holmes Ms. Nikita Lynn Holmes Cook [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Myron G Horne Ms. Myron G Horne Center Operations Coordinator [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Creola Nanette James Ms. Creola Nanette James Project Coordinator [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Stacia Johnson Ms. Stacia Johnson Asst Dir, HS Education [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Recia Johnson Ms. Recia Johnson Custodian I [email protected]
Portrait of Mr. Edriece Evans Jones Mr. Edriece Evans Jones Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Julia M Jones Ms. Julia M Jones Assistant Cook [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Alexis Jones Ms. Alexis Jones Floater Assistant Teacher [email protected]
Ms. April R Jones Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Yolanda Marie Juzang Ms. Yolanda Marie Juzang Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Deb Kleban Ms. Deb Kleban Program Manager [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Dawn Marie LaFontaine Ms. Dawn Marie LaFontaine Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Ms. Andrea Michelle Lara Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Ms. Shaunda J Lee Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Pamela Michelle Lewis Ms. Pamela Michelle Lewis Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Ms. Nancy Ann Lindsey Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Angelyn Chism Long Ms. Angelyn Chism Long Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Yucimid Machado Ms. Yucimid Machado Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Tracy Denise Mallett Ms. Tracy Denise Mallett Child Care Training Coord [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Tammie Oswalt Mann Ms. Tammie Oswalt Mann Administrative Assistant I [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Brea Danielle Eaton McBryde Ms. Brea Danielle Eaton McBryde Child Care Training Coord [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Priscilla Ann McCray Ms. Priscilla Ann McCray Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Kayla Norman McDavid Ms. Kayla Norman McDavid Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Mr. Daniel A McKee Mr. Daniel A McKee Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Rebecca Marie McKeehan Ms. Rebecca Marie McKeehan Area Coordinator [email protected]
Ms. Lisa Lanette McNair Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Mary Hannah Mills Ms. Mary Hannah Mills Project Manager [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Jaresha Minter Ms. Jaresha Minter Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Linda Monroe Ms. Linda Monroe Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Sarah Jane Moody Ms. Sarah Jane Moody Publications Manager [email protected]
Mr. Ramon Flaviano Flores Nacanaynay Floater Assistant Teacher [email protected]
Ms. Kimberly Renaee Neal Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Cathy Elizabeth Neely Ms. Cathy Elizabeth Neely Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Ms. Gemisha Lanae Page Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Ms. Jennifer Amanda Patrick Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Carrigan Grace Prine Ms. Carrigan Grace Prine Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Sidney Burnham Rawls Ms. Sidney Burnham Rawls Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Roslyn Roshelle Reed Ms. Roslyn Roshelle Reed Interim Director, Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Alison Thornton Reed Ms. Alison Thornton Reed Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Ms. Tamea Nasya Ridge Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Joy Elaine Romero Ms. Joy Elaine Romero Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Amber Grace Ruth Ms. Amber Grace Ruth Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Taylor Marie Schraeder Ms. Taylor Marie Schraeder Floater Assistant Teacher [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Syncecity Nierryie Enkiqu Smiley Ms. Syncecity Nierryie Enkiqu Smiley Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Ashley Nicole Smith Ms. Ashley Nicole Smith Business Coordinator [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Mackinzie Lynn Sonnier Ms. Mackinzie Lynn Sonnier Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Mr. Kenneth C Spiva Mr. Kenneth C Spiva Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Ms. Samantha Leigh Spradling Floater Assistant Teacher [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Dani Debria Stallworth Ms. Dani Debria Stallworth Child Care Training Coord [email protected]
Ms. Margie Louise Stephens Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Ashlie Nichole Stockstill Ms. Ashlie Nichole Stockstill Office Associate [email protected]
Ms. Barbara Strahan Floater Assistant Teacher [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Jamila B Taylor Ms. Jamila B Taylor Executive Director [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Alyssa Christina Taylor Ms. Alyssa Christina Taylor Child Care Training Coord [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Amanda Thompson Ms. Amanda Thompson Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Kim Rena Thompson Ms. Kim Rena Thompson Educ Leader-Center Dir [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Meghan RayAnne Thompson Ms. Meghan RayAnne Thompson Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Liz Thorne Ms. Liz Thorne Project Manager [email protected]
Portrait of Mr. Eugene Theodore Tibbett Mr. Eugene Theodore Tibbett Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Joann Tott Ms. Joann Tott Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Indyonia Zykeria Tucker Ms. Indyonia Zykeria Tucker Assistant Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Ms. Jasmine Tashae Tunstall Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Teena Mignon Walk Ms. Teena Mignon Walk Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Christian Ware Ms. Christian Ware Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Ms. Andi Wilhite Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Cardia Williams Ms. Cardia Williams Teacher - Head Start [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Jalisa M. Wilson Ms. Jalisa M. Wilson Extension Program Associate [email protected]
Ms. Lakeisha Lorraine Wright Educ Leader-Center Dir [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Maggie Elizabeth York Ms. Maggie Elizabeth York Office Associate [email protected]
Portrait of Ms. Maranda Jae Zaydel Ms. Maranda Jae Zaydel Extension Program Associate [email protected]
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