News By Department: MSU Extension- Neshoba County
We are excited to shine a spotlight on the Mississippi Forestry Association! They just concluded their annual meeting in Biloxi. Hurricane Nate almost interrupted, but the event was pulled off without a hitch!
By Rachel Jenkins
Southern Rural Development Center
MISSISSIPPI STATE – In its first year alone, Turning the Tide on Poverty launched 30 study circles with more than 250 participants across five southern states and now has additional funding to expand.
Turning the Tide on Poverty, a project of the Southern Rural Development Center hosted at Mississippi State University, works to find solutions to poverty through community study circles, gatherings where people create action plans for local change.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Neshoba and Lauderdale counties are participating in a pilot program aimed at turning the tide on poverty by recruiting community members to work together on unique solutions.
“Turning the Tide on Poverty” is an initiative of the Southern Rural Development Center that works in 13 Southern states and is headquartered at Mississippi State University. The initiative has identified sites in five of the region’s states for the pilot programs.