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Holstein calves are among of the tourist attractions at Ard's Dairy Farm in Lincoln County. Other agritourism opportunities on this working dairy farm include an operational milking parlor, a corn maze, a playground and a barrel train. (MSU Ag Communications File Photo/Kat Lawrence)
November 6, 2013 - Filed Under: Agri-tourism, Community

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Corn mazes, pumpkin patches and Christmas tree farms are becoming more popular tourist destinations across the country.

Becky Smith, assistant professor in agricultural economics with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, works with various agritourism businesses around the state. She said each endeavor takes significant planning and effort. She answers the “what’s in it for me” question with one word: revenue.

Landscape architecture graduate students Wanrong Tan from Shanghai, China, and Amer Mahaslin from Amman, Jordan, install plants along the Pilot Club Music Trail in McKee Park on Oct. 18, 2013. The Pilot Club Music Trail consists of playground versions of musical instruments for families to enjoy. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Scott Corey)
November 5, 2013 - Filed Under: Community, Landscape Architecture

By Kaitlyn Byrne
MSU Office of Ag Communications

MISSISSIPPI STATE – A group of Mississippi State University students made a new music trail in Starkville more beautiful by improving its landscape.

MSU landscape architecture and landscape contracting and management students installed plants as part of a service-learning collaboration with the Pilot Club of Starkville’s Music Trail in McKee Park. The plants contribute to the aesthetic value of the trail and enhance the nature experience for park-goers.

November 5, 2013 - Filed Under: Crops

GOODMAN – Growers can get tips on preparing for spring planting during a Nov. 22 field day at the Alliance for Sustainable Agricultural Production Demonstration Farm in Goodman.

Experts from the Mississippi State University Extension Service and the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station will discuss crop nutrient management, fall cover crops, soil testing, crop rotation, and pest, disease and weed control.

Rick Kaminski
November 5, 2013 - Filed Under: Wildlife

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Richard M. Kaminski, a longtime Mississippi State University professor, is being recognized for his contributions and service to wildlife science and conservation.

Kaminski, a professor in the MSU Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture, received the 2013 Clarence W. Watson Award at the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies’ meeting in Oklahoma City in October.

Emily Schultz
November 4, 2013 - Filed Under: Forestry

MISSISSIPPI STATE – A Mississippi State University forestry professor was recently named a Fellow in the Society of American Foresters.

Emily Schultz was honored by the professional forestry organization for her contributions to the society and the forestry profession. Schultz is a professor in the MSU College of Forest Resources and Forest and Wildlife Research Center. Her areas of research include computer forest modeling, forest inventory, and hardwood growth and yield.

November 4, 2013 - Filed Under: Family, Family Financial Management

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Slow cooker season is here, when cool weather and longer nights make coming home to a ready-made meal the perfect end to a busy day.

Using a slow cooker has many advantages, especially during the busy holiday season, said Natasha Haynes, a Mississippi State University Extension Service agent in Rankin County.

Provide easy winter protection with a small greenhouse structure made of plastic pipe and covered with plastic sheeting. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman)
November 4, 2013 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

All gardeners know this is going to happen every year, and yet many are still surprised when it does. I’m talking about the arrival of freezing temperatures.

Despite the pleasant fall temperatures we are enjoying, there will come a time when we need to protect some of our landscape plants from freezing temperatures. And since no one reliably predicts the weather, now is a good time to get ready.

Many calls I receive are from gardeners who confuse frosts and freezes. While both are cold weather events, they are completely different.

Callie Cornelison of Scottsboro, Ala., a senior studying animal and dairy sciences at Mississippi State University, practices loading and unloading from a trailer with Leroy, a horse up for bid in an online auction running Nov. 1-21. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kat Lawrence)
November 1, 2013 - Filed Under: Equine, Technology

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Preparing for the production sale of horses from the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station has required part old-fashioned hard work and part new-fangled technology.

This year, instead of broadcasting a live auction event, the Mississippi State University Extension Service’s Center for Technology Outreach has created a website for an online auction that will run Nov. 1-21.

Frogeye leaf spot fungus, such as the specimen seen on this leaf, causes serious yield losses when not treated in soybeans. Mississippi State University is surveying to monitor and limit the increasing resistance of the fungus to the strobilurin class of fungicides commonly used for late-season disease management in soybean fields. (Photo by MAFES/Sead Sabanadzovic)
November 1, 2013 - Filed Under: Plant Diseases

MISSISSIPPI STATE – A statewide survey that Mississippi State University began this summer will continue next year as researchers look for a particular fungal disease that is developing resistance to chemical control.

In 2012, soybean fields in two Mississippi counties were found to have frogeye leaf spot fungi resistant to strobilurins, the class of fungicides commonly used for late-season disease management in soybeans.

Mississippi producers are expected to plant more than 400,000 acres of wheat this fall. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kat Lawrence)
November 1, 2013 - Filed Under: Wheat

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Fall planting of the state’s winter wheat crop is on schedule, and early-season growth looks good in fields planted so far.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Oct. 27 report, 28 percent of the state’s expected wheat crop had been planted. Unlike spring, when all row crops were well behind schedule, this estimate puts wheat exactly on track with the five-year average.

Emily Reid Carter, Mississippi State University Extension agent in Sharkey and Issaquena counties, is reliving the memories of Helen Johnstone Harris, a Delta woman who died in 1917. Carter is part of a community-wide effort to bring tourists to the rural Delta community near Rolling Fork, Miss. (Photo by University Relations/Russ Houston)
October 29, 2013 - Filed Under: Agri-tourism, Community, Rural Development

ROLLING FORK -- Emily Reid Carter is living her dreams and reliving the memories of Helen Johnstone Harris, a Delta woman who died in 1917.

A 1986 educational psychology graduate of Mississippi State University, Carter initially considered a move to Nashville to pursue a music career. As a student at MSU, she was active in the Baptist Student Union and sang in the Fishermen, one of the BSU’s performance groups. She also competed in the Miss MSU pageant using vocals as her talent.

Lance McElhenny, a Mississippi State University sophomore from West Point, tells 4-H'ers about his eight year career in the Marine Corps, including two tours of duty as an infantry rifleman in Iraq. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Keri Collins Lewis)
October 29, 2013 - Filed Under: 4-H, Collegiate 4-H, Family

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Two groups known for their dedication to others met recently to talk about healthy living and community service.

Students from the Mississippi State University G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery Center for American Veterans joined the Controllers Generation II 4-H Club in Oktibbeha County for a tribute to the U.S. Armed Forces and a celebration of healthy living.

Gulf muhly grass combines beautifully in the landscape with the heirloom chrysanthemum Clara Curtis. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman)
October 28, 2013 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

Gardeners don’t always think of native grasses as a landscape highlight, but fall is the time when one really puts on a show. Gulf muhly grass is at its best in the fall and winter months.

Gulf muhly grass has a unique texture with spiky, upright leaves that offer summer interest. But it’s the plant’s last grand flourish that creates true landscape excitement. Muhly grass flowers in billowy masses that resemble pink clouds in the landscape. As long as there isn’t a hard freeze, the color will hold. Even after a freeze, the flower heads keep their airy shape.

October 25, 2013 - Filed Under: Livestock, Animal Health, Beef

MISSISSIPPI STATE – The Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine is hosting a free webinar on preharvest beef safety Nov. 20.

The webinar, “Beef Safety: Are You Giving Good Advice?,” will be broadcast from 2-4 p.m. Seating for 95 participants will be available in the Tait Butler Auditorium at the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine for those who want to attend in person.

Michael Newman
October 25, 2013 - Filed Under: Leadership, About Extension

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Two Mississippi State University administrators have been accepted into a two-year leadership development program that will connect them with food systems peers and industry professionals.

Peter Ryan, MSU associate provost, and Michael Newman, professor and director of the MSU School of Human Sciences, will join the national Food Systems Leadership Institute’s fall 2013 class.

Even after a late start, a favorable growing season allowed for a timely harvest of Mississippi's rice, such as this grown at the Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports the crop was 96 percent harvested by Oct. 20, 2013. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Keri Collins Lewis)
October 25, 2013 - Filed Under: Rice

MISSISSIPPI STATE – After a late start for the planting season raised fears that a hot August could damage the crop, Mississippi’s rice has yielded a high-quality harvest.

The Oct. 20 U.S. Department of Agriculture crop progress and condition report indicated the state’s rice crop was 96 percent harvested. The crop’s quality was rated as 50 percent good and 25 percent excellent.

Tim Walker, rice agronomist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said grain quality is based on several factors, including translucence.

Leon Cambre, a 1958 forest management graduate of Mississippi State University, recently donated his collection of more than 10,000 specimens of long-horned beetles to the Mississippi Entomological Museum. (Submitted Photo)
October 25, 2013 - Filed Under: Insects

MISSISSIPPI STATE – A career spent in forestry in the Southeast gave Leon Cambre the opportunity to collect more than 10,000 long-horned beetle specimens that he recently donated to Mississippi State University.

Terence Schiefer, a Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station researcher and curator of the Mississippi Entomological Museum, said the collection came pinned, labeled and organized by species. It is contained in three cabinets holding 36 glass-topped drawers of specimens. The insects were collected over more than 50 years and are now located at MSU.

World-renowned horseman Pat Parelli gives Mississippi State University sophomore Katie Cagle of Tupelo and her horse, Popeye, some personal instruction in the Tunica arena on Oct. 19, 2013. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Linda Breazeale)
October 22, 2013 - Filed Under: Equine

TUNICA – A decade after watching her first demonstration of Pat Parelli’s natural horsemanship techniques, Katie Cagle was in the arena with her horse for some personal instruction from the world-renowned horseman.

Cagle has experienced many equine challenges throughout more than 10 years in 4-H and a lifetime around horses. When the call went out from the Parelli organization for local horses that were difficult to load into a trailer, Cagle knew her horse, Popeye, was the perfect challenge.

The Mississippi State University Dairy Science Club took home several awards at the Mississippi State Fair on Oct. 11, 2013, including Junior Champion Holstein and Reserve Junior Champion Holstein. Pictured from front left: Hannah Fillyaw, Emmy King, Alexis Caudill, Erin Thompson, Dorothy Claypool, Melissa Steichen, Hailey McGuire, Sarah Allen, Delancey Fortin, Moira Knott, Alexis Parisi, Rebecca Broome, Stephanie Opp, Sydney Tamashiro, Shawna Blau, Jennifer McPherson; back row: Casey Jowers, Kaylin Chaney,
October 22, 2013 - Filed Under: Dairy

By Kaitlyn Byrne
MSU Ag Communications

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Fourteen members of the Mississippi State University Dairy Science Club, none of whom had shown dairy cattle before, proved hard work pays off when they took home several awards at the Mississippi State Fair.

Wes Burger
October 22, 2013 - Filed Under: Wildlife

MISSISSIPPI STATE --The associate director of two research centers at Mississippi State University is a new Fellow in The Wildlife Society.

Loren W. “Wes” Burger Jr., a professor in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture, was recognized for exceptional service to the wildlife profession at the 2013 annual meeting of The Wildlife Society. Burger serves as associate director of the MSU Forest and Wildlife Research Center and the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station.

