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The Pearl River County senior 4-H Robotics team, from left Elsa Schmitz, Emily Bordelon, Bradley Guillot and Eric Bordelon, plans robot construction to prepare for an annual robotics contest. (Submitted Photo)
April 22, 2013 - Filed Under: 4-H, Technology, Family, STEM – Science Technology Engineering and Math

MISSISSIPPI STATE – A Pearl River County family learned that 4-H robotics’ “no experience required” policy opened doors to new skills they never expected.

Jill Bordelon’s three children, Emily, Eric and Alex, became interested in robotics when 4-H first offered the activity in their county in 2009. Led by their mother, the children formed a team with interested 4-H’ers to construct a robot and compete against other robotics teams.

“None of us had done anything like this before,” Jill Bordelon said. “We got a kit and muddled through. We all learned at the same time.”

April 19, 2013 - Filed Under: 4-H, Family

CORINTH -- Marcia Ann Glisson believes in the power of youth.

That’s why she has spent more than 50 years as an Alcorn County 4-H volunteer. And she has no plans to give it up anytime soon.

“It’s just something that is in my blood,” said Glisson, who currently serves as a member of the Alcorn County 4-H Advisory Council. “I was in 4-H, and all four of my children were in 4-H.”

This 5-week-old broiler is approaching market weight in a commercial research house at the H.H. Leveck Animal Research Center, commonly called South Farm, at Mississippi State University on March 20, 2013. Mississippi has grown more than 205 million birds in the first 14 weeks of the year. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kat Lawrence)
April 19, 2013 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Poultry

MISSISSIPPI STATE – The impact of last year’s drought on feed costs is not the only challenge poultry growers face in 2013.

Production costs, expansion issues, waste regulations, competition from other meat sources and the next grain crop are major factors impacting the poultry industry this year.

“Some of the corn produced last year had to go to ethanol, so supplies are even tighter and have driven up feed costs,” said Tom Tabler, poultry specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service.

Dr. David Smith talks with Class of 2014 students, from left, Seth Jenkins, Lauren Comstock, and Lauren Bright. Smith says he believes his students learn to think on their feet while working with producers. (Photo by MSU College of Veterinary Medicine/Tom Thompson)
April 19, 2013 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Livestock, Animal Health, Beef

By Karen Templeton
MSU College of Veterinary Medicine

MISSISSIPPI STATE – When producer and consultant Dr. Gordon Hazard answers his phone, it is often in the middle of a pasture.

Hazard has been raising cattle for more than 75 years, and his boots-to-the-ground approach is what helps him make a profit each and every year. He knows what Mississippi cattle producers are up against.

Standing water between rows of corn at Mississippi State University's R.R. Foil Research Center in Starkville means the soil has no oxygen available to root systems. As soils dry out, the crop will need rain or irrigation to sustain growth. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Scott Corey)
April 19, 2013 - Filed Under: Crops, Soils, Irrigation

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Springtime’s soggy fields are no guarantee that summer’s row crops will have the moisture they need to thrive until harvest in the fall.

Jason Krutz, irrigation specialist with the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, said winter and spring rain helps recharge the soil profile, but moisture must be replenished during the growing season.

“In the Delta in the summer, we’re always 10 days from a drought,” Kurtz said. “If you go 10 days without rain, your row crops are in trouble and you will have to irrigate.”

Mississippi State University Extension Service agronomy specialist Keith Crouse sorts through routine samples on April 10, 2013, in the MSU Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Lab, where every day is Earth Day, not just April 22. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Scott Corey)
April 18, 2013 - Filed Under: Soils, Soil Testing

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Some people celebrate Earth Day with a trip on April 22 to the city park, but soil scientists get daily opportunities to see the importance of protecting the environment.

Mississippi State University Extension Service agronomy specialist Keith Crouse said an inexpensive soil test is one of the easiest ways to be a good steward of the earth and enjoy all the land has to offer. As coordinator of the MSU Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Lab, Crouse has seen test results prevent growers from applying unnecessary fertilizers.

April 18, 2013 - Filed Under: Environment

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Louisiana is shrinking. According to new information from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 25-35 square miles of land off the coast of Louisiana disappears into the water every year.

Mississippi State University environmental economist Daniel Petrolia understands how important the disappearing wetlands are to commercial fisheries, storm surge protection and wildlife.

Mississippi is home to 35 species of non-venomous snakes, such as this black racer, which benefit the home landscape by keeping rodent populations in check. (Photo courtesy of Robert Lewis)
April 17, 2013 - Filed Under: Environment, Wildlife, Nuisance Wildlife and Damage Management, Snakes

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Mississippi is home to a wide variety of creatures, and warmer spring temperatures bring many of them -- including snakes -- out into the sun.

“We have 35 species of nonvenomous snakes and just 6 species of venomous snakes,” said Adam Tullos, who specializes in wildlife management with the Mississippi State University Extension Service. “We also have snakes that are protected and endangered. Snakes benefit people by keeping insect, reptile and small mammal populations under control.”

April 16, 2013 - Filed Under: Agri-business, Agri-tourism, Natural Resources, Agricultural Economics

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Farmers, landowners and resource managers will find the newest tools to establish and manage a natural resource enterprise at a one-day workshop in Yazoo County.

The May 2 event will begin at 8 a.m. at Field Quest Farms in Benton. The morning presentations include revenue potential, liability and legal concerns, and marketing an outdoor recreational business.

Pontotoc city clerk Dexter Warren and deputy clerk Jamie Sappington assist city residents with utility payments and other city business. The week of May 5 - 11 has been designated Municipal Clerks Week to recognize the service of clerks and their deputies to communities. (Photo by MSU Extension Service Center for Government and Community Development/Bob Ratliff)
April 16, 2013 - Filed Under: City and County Government

MISSISSIPPI STATE – One of local government’s oldest and most essential jobs is being recognized for its services during an upcoming week of local, national and international activities.

The 44th annual Municipal Clerks Week will be observed May 5 – 11. During this week, municipal clerks in many of Mississippi’s cities, towns and villages will take part in activities to increase the public’s awareness of municipal clerks and the vital services they provide for local government and the community.

Daylilies such as these mixed varieties are ideal candidates to divide and share with neighbors or move to new areas of the landscape. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman)
April 15, 2013 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

With spring in the air and our landscapes waking up from their long winter’s nap, Mississippi gardeners jump into the many chores needed to get gardens off to the right start.

One of the first decisions to be made is what to plant. We flock to garden centers looking for inspiration and new plants to enjoy in the coming year. Sometimes we forget to look in our own gardens for the options we already have.

Louisiana botanist Charles Allen describes the four types of carnivorous plants found in the Crosby Arboretum's Hillside Bog during a field walk April 6. The field walk followed Allen's lecture on edible and useful plants of the Gulf South and was co-sponsored by Mississippi State University's Crosby Arboretum and Longue Vue House and Gardens in New Orleans. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Susan Collins-Smith)
April 12, 2013 - Filed Under: Community, Wildlife, Lawn and Garden

PICAYUNE -- Louisiana botanist Charles Allen acquired a taste for native plants as a child in his grandmother’s kitchen.

The mountain mint she used in her pork sausage sparked Allen’s interest and led him on a 35-year journey of learning about and preserving native plants that sustain the ecosystem of the Gulf South. Many of those plants are edible and useful around the house.

Jody Reyer began harvesting his first crop of strawberries April 9, 2013. Like much of the state's strawberry crop, Reyer's Leake County operation has struggled with cool and wet spring weather. (Photo courtesy of Brittany Reyer)
April 12, 2013 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Crops, Fruit

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Mississippi’s strawberry producers may be few in number, but they deliver one of the state’s sweetest and most popular crops.

Growing strawberries in the South is especially challenging because of its variable weather, like that seen this spring.

Wayne Porter, Mississippi State University Extension horticulture specialist in Lauderdale County, said the strawberries struggled because of excessive rain.

Farmers have a different type of fieldwork to complete the day after the April 11, 2013, tornado relocated a grain bin in a Noxubee County field. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Dennis Reginelli)
April 12, 2013 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Crops, Technology

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Even if their farms were not in the path of the April 11 tornado, hundreds of farmers will feel the loss of the massive communications tower in Noxubee County.

The 300-foot-tall microwave tower located in the middle of a soybean field just northeast of Macon provided about 200 farmers and others with broadband Internet and with GPS signals that guide tractors during fieldwork.

Dennis Reginelli, area agronomics crops agent with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said alternative sources remain available, but they are less accurate.

April 12, 2013 - Filed Under: Animal Health, Technology

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Sano Chemical, the company launched to develop an antifungal drug discovered at Mississippi State University, received the university’s Faculty Start-up Company of the Year award April 5.

April 12, 2013 - Filed Under: Nuisance Wildlife and Damage Management

MISSISSIPPI STATE – A May 23 workshop in Natchez will teach landowners and property managers ways to deal with Mississippi’s wild hog invasion.

The Wild Pig Management Workshop will be held at the Adams County Extension office. The program is provided by the Mississippi State University Extension Service, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services and the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks.

April 11, 2013 - Filed Under: Technology

Alternative arrangements are needed before a death or other circumstances interfere with access to online accounts.

Typically, one person in the household takes responsibility for paying the bills online or managing the online banking account. However, if something happens to that person, the whole family’s finances can be in jeopardy.

Spiders such as this zipper or banana spider consume massive quantities of insects, but most are not pests in Mississippi gardens and landscapes. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kat Lawrence)
April 11, 2013 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Urban and Backyard Wildlife, Insects, Pests

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Well-established and thriving gardens tend to have a mix of plant and animal life, adding interest for gardeners but not as much natural pest control as many people think.

Blake Layton, entomologist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said many people enjoy garden fauna such as toads, frogs and lizards, and some even enjoy bats and snakes.

April 11, 2013 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Crops, Irrigation

By Rebekah Ray
MSU Delta Research and Extension Center

STONEVILLE – Mississippi State University experts have a new program to help Delta producers irrigate row crops more efficiently and economically.

MSU Extension Service irrigation specialist Jason Krutz is leading a multi-faceted approach to water conservation, dubbed Row-crop Irrigation Science and Extension Research, or RISER. The researchers are working with producers to help reduce irrigation water use while maintaining or improving crop yields and profitability.

Staff at the Animal Emergency Referral Center in Flowood recently operated on a fishing cat from the Jackson Zoo. Native to South Asia, the fishing cat is an endangered exotic cat about the size of a bobcat. (Photo submitted by The Jackson Zoo)
April 11, 2013 - Filed Under: Animal Health, Pets

By Karen Templeton
MSU College of Veterinary Medicine

FLOWOOD – The Animal Emergency Referral Center staff in Flowood is always ready to handle animal emergencies and has seen just about everything, but recently, a unique patient came in for surgery.

A fishing cat, an endangered medium-sized exotic cat native to South Asia, was brought to the center with a fractured humerus. The exotic cat is part of a breeding program at the Jackson Zoo and needed quick treatment.

