Information Possibly Outdated
The information presented on this page was originally released on July 29, 2004. It may not be outdated, but please search our site for more current information. If you plan to quote or reference this information in a publication, please check with the Extension specialist or author before proceeding.
Organizers prepare for farmers market
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Two upcoming meetings will help prepare growers and vendors for the new farmers market coming to Jackson next spring.
The Mississippi State University Extension Service and the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce are organizing the evening meetings. The first meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Aug. 24 at the Forrest County Extension Office on Sullivan Drive in Hattiesburg. The second meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on Aug. 31 at the Agriculture and Forestry Museum on Lakeland Drive in Jackson. Each meeting will last one hour.
Ken Hood, Extension professor with the Food and Fiber Center at MSU, said the meetings will introduce future participants to the new state-operated farmers market. Producers will be able to reserve space and learn more about the facility, which will be located near the Jackson fairgrounds.
Participants will be given a summary of a recent consumer awareness survey and an explanation of how the Extension Service and MDAC will assist farmers with sales. Operating policies and fees will be reviewed.
For more information on the meetings, contact Hood at (662) 325-2160 or by e-mail at [email protected].