Information Possibly Outdated
The information presented on this page was originally released on July 14, 2005. It may not be outdated, but please search our site for more current information. If you plan to quote or reference this information in a publication, please check with the Extension specialist or author before proceeding.
Workshop promotes Internet marketing
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- An upcoming workshop will help Mississippi entrepreneurs learn how to use the Internet to market their products and services.
"Electronic Retailing: Selling on the Internet" will be offered Aug. 23 in Meridian. Sponsored by the Mississippi State University Extension Service's Food and Fiber Center, each workshop is designed for new and existing businesses wanting to sell products and services through a retail Web site.
Joe Jordan, senior project manager with MSU's Industrial Outreach Service, said established businesses can benefit from expanding sales into this marketing channel, or a new business could start out entirely as a virtual storefront.
"E-commerce is proving to be a great equalizer, allowing the smallest of businesses and those in rural locations to access markets and have a presence that allows them to compete on equal footing with the major retailers," Jordan said.
Four sessions in the day-long workshop will cover Web market strategy, Internet customers, Web site development and other issues.
The registration cost is $20 per participant and includes workshop materials, breaks and lunch. Registration is available online at by clicking on the icon for the workshop registration. People also may register by phone at (662) 325-2160, by fax at (662) 325-7844 or by mail.
MSU Extension Service
Food & Fiber Center
Box 9642
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Attn: Ann Sansing
For more information about the workshop or registration, contact Sansing at (662) 325-2160 or at [email protected]. Additional sponsors include the MSU Small Business Development Center, the MSU Meridian campus Business Services, Lauderdale County's Extension Service, Meridian Community College Webb Hall and East Mississippi Business Development Corporation.