Biosecurity can keep backyard flocks safe
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- With highly pathogenic avian influenza, or HPAI, in the environment in Mississippi, owners of backyard flocks have to take extra steps to keep their chickens healthy.
Avian influenza poses an extremely low risk to human health and none to food safety in Mississippi, but its presence poses a risk to backyard flocks and the state’s $3 billion commercial poultry industry.
Jessica Wells, poultry specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said a strong biosecurity program in place on every poultry farm -- both commercial and backyard -- in the state is the best defense against diseases.
“Poultry growers cannot let their guard down simply because there was not a nearby avian influenza outbreak,” Wells said. “Growers must be vigilant and continue to maintain a high level of biosecurity. It is easy to become complacent and lulled into a false sense of security, but it’s usually when we become complacent that something serious does happen.”
Jonathan Moon, MSU Extension poultry specialist, said although bird deaths happen naturally on occasion, a dead bird in a backyard flock today should trigger some extra alertness.
“If you find only one bird dead from what seems like normal mortality and the rest of the birds look good, double bag and throw it in the trash or dispose of it in a compost pile where other birds and scavengers will not get to it,” Moon said.
“But if you walk out and find sudden high mortality and/or high numbers of birds showing signs and symptoms of sickness, report it and get some guidance from the Board of Animal Health on what to do,” he said.
The Mississippi Board of Animal Health has an online system for reporting high backyard poultry deaths or unusual wild bird deaths. Find the link at .
“Somebody will respond pretty quickly if there is high mortality,” Moon said. “This person will give you information on what to do with dead birds and how to secure the location. Use extreme caution and wear full protective equipment including goggles, masks, gloves and suits when handling birds suspected of having HPAI.”
Commercial poultry producers already follow strict measures to keep flocks safe, and backyard flock owners should follow their lead to prevent HPAI infecting their flocks.
“In my opinion, the biggest thing backyard flock owners may be neglecting is good biosecurity practices,” Moon said.
Symptoms of HPAI are coughing and nasal discharge, lethargy and the chickens looking drawn down. Moon said the incubation period from exposure to the onset of symptoms is about 1-2 weeks, but once symptoms appear, it moves very rapidly through a flock.
“With highly pathogenic avian influenza, you see mass mortality in a short period of time,” he said.
Moon urged backyard flock owners to remember that even though people build relationships with their birds, chickens are still livestock and should be treated as such.
“It’s not like a pet dog. Keep some distance and use common sense,” Moon said. “In a lot of the cases reported so far where humans have contracted HPAI, there’s been real close contact with the birds.”
Basic biosecurity measures can help protect backyard flocks from HPAI. A top priority is washing hands before entering and when leaving chicken areas, and wearing dedicated footwear or shoe covers when working with chickens.
“Shower and change clothes before caring for chickens after going to any location where other poultry or wild birds are present,” Moon said. “Even if you meet up with a friend who also has chickens, change clothes and consider showering before you go around your own birds.”
Moon said this level of biosecurity is necessary and sustainable.
“These things may be an inconvenience, but that inconvenience can be something that will potentially keep your birds and the birds down the road or commercial birds safe,” Moon said.
Migratory and other wild birds present another risk to backyard flocks of spreading disease, as HPAI is in the wild bird population. This is especially true of birds that are allowed to free range.
“I like to see backyard birds kept contained,” he said. “The more you free-range, the more chances they have to come in contact with wild birds and other wildlife. The more contained you can keep them in a covered coop, the safer they’re going to be.”
Moon said to draw an imaginary line outside the chicken coop. The biosecurity goal is to keep what’s in the coop contained and prevent anything outside from entering the coop.
Find more information on avian influenza and biosecurity measures at .