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Feature Story

November 27, 2000 - Filed Under: Trees

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Researchers at Mississippi State University are collecting samples of cottonwood trees in the Southeast to preserve the genetic diversity of this species.

Eastern cottonwood is an important contributor to forestry in the United States and other countries, with attributes that make it potentially even more important in the future. Timber industries have traditionally been attracted to it because it is fast-growing and can be grown from cuttings.

November 20, 2000 - Filed Under: Pets

By Crystel Bailey

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- See Spot scratch. See Spot chew and lick his skin.

Dogs who acts like Spot may have allergies. Mississippi State University's College of Veterinary Medicine specialists, Cory Langston, in community practice, and Juli Gunter, in veterinary dermatology, offered clues to determine if a dog has allergies.

November 20, 2000 - Filed Under: Water

By Chantel Lott

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Many Mississippians breathed a sigh of relief when rains fell across the state, but more rain is necessary to replenish the state's water level.

"The rains in mid-November are what we would call a major rainfall event," said Charles Wax, head of geosciences at Mississippi State University and state climatologist.

November 20, 2000 - Filed Under: Agriculture

By Bonnie Coblentz

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Decisions made in Washington, D.C., Brussels and Tokyo affect everyone, a fact not lost on Mississippi farmers impacted by international trade policies.

November 20, 2000 - Filed Under: Pesticide Applicator Certification

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- The success of a recent waste pesticide collection in Sunflower County demonstrated Delta farmers' commitment to protecting the environment and the need for similar programs in the future.

November 13, 2000 - Filed Under: Equine

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- A new equestrian team at Mississippi State University offers collegiate riders of all skill levels the opportunity to improve their abilities and compete against other colleges across the region.

Molly Nicodemus, team advisor and assistant professor of animal and dairy sciences, said MSU and Wood College in Mathiston have the only equestrian teams in the state and both are in their first year. Currently, no scholarships are available at MSU, but fund-raising activities will minimize competition costs.

November 13, 2000 - Filed Under: Fire Ants

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mississippians may be familiar with the results of fire ant bites, but official documentation has not been available until recently.

The Nov. 1 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association has published a photo/essay documenting the "Evolution of the Fire Ant Lesion."

November 13, 2000 - Filed Under: Fire Ants

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mississippians may be familiar with the results of fire ant bites, but official documentation has not been available until recently.

The Nov. 1 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association has published a photo/essay documenting the "Evolution of the Fire Ant Lesion."

November 13, 2000 - Filed Under: Farm Safety

By Crystel Bailey

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Christmas lights draped along the roof, the smell of pine from live Christmas trees, flames bursting from the den window...wait! Flames bursting from the den window?

The sights and smells of Christmas add flavor to the holiday season, but if decorations are not used safely, the outcome could be deadly. To avoid safety hazards with decorations, follow these precautions to prevent fires caused by misusing Christmas trees and lights.

Cut about 1 inch off the base of a store-bought, live tree.

November 13, 2000 - Filed Under: Health

By Chantel Lott

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Control diabetes during the holiday season by balancing food, activity and medication.

"The first rule should be that no foods are forbidden," said Melissa Mixon, human nutrition specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service. "Accept the fact that the holidays bring challenges. Plan from beginning to end how to handle them.

"Enjoy your favorite holiday food, but remember moderation is the key," Mixon said.

November 13, 2000 - Filed Under: Wood Products

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mississippi State University put on display its unique hot press, one of just nine operating in North America.

In early November, MSU's Forest Products Laboratory demonstrated its composites hot press in an open house for representatives of different industries. Composite boards can be made of combinations of wood, agricultural fibers and recycled materials, including plastics.

November 6, 2000 - Filed Under: Family

By Chantel Lott

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Pre-holiday clothing shopping is a joy compared to the frustration of battling lines at the returns counter when buyers fail to be good detectives.

Each holiday shopping season people stare at rack after rack of clothing in a store wondering which style is best for that special person. The next dilemma is guessing the right size.

If possible, sneak a visit to their closet to take some of the guesswork out of gift buying.

November 6, 2000 - Filed Under: Family Financial Management

By Crystel Bailey

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Carols with altered lyrics such as "Deck the halls with bills from shopping" or "Oh, Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree. What should I get Aunt Sally?" may represent holiday feelings, but people can replace stress with cash if they plan and adjust their spending habits.

November 6, 2000 - Filed Under: Family

By Crystel Bailey

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Janice Guice, like many other people, joins family members to devour turkey and dressing, opens red and green-packaged Christmas presents with her grandchildren and counts down the seconds until the New Year.

However, behind smile-plastered faces and hectic schedules, Guice, and others who have lost loved ones, celebrate the holidays in sadness and with difficulty. Holiday sights, sounds and smells spark memories of family and friends who have passed away, and survivors are left to cope.

November 6, 2000 - Filed Under: Children and Parenting

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Sometimes even Santa says no to good children.

"One of the hardest things a parent has to do is say no to the pleading eyes of a son or daughter," said Louise Davis, child and family development specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service.

The stress of the holiday season can make parenting decisions even more challenging. While conceding to a child's wants may provide momentary relief, it may cause greater burdens in the future.

November 6, 2000 - Filed Under: Family

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Marking the holidays with food, family, more food and more guests is usually enjoyable for the guests, but it can be a hassle to the hosts.

Cooking for a crowd is not a task for the faint hearted. Menus must be carefully planned, entertainment coordinated, guest lists drawn up and accommodations arranged. While a primary concern often is how to do this without blowing the budget, a secondary concern is how to do this while staying sane.

November 6, 2000 - Filed Under: Food

By Chantel Lott

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Melissa Mixon, human nutrition specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said since mail-order food gifts are increasing in popularity, consumers need to be aware of the precautions necessary to mail a perishable item.

November 3, 2000 - Filed Under: Christmas Trees

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Homeowners are cautioned every year to keep their Christmas trees watered, but growers are the one's needing that advice this year.

Steve Dicke, forestry specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said this year's drought also could reduce the longevity of Christmas trees after harvesting.

"Trees won't be as healthy as normal, so they may dry out faster after harvest making water in the tree stand even more important this year," Dicke said. "On the other hand, it will be more water than they've seen in awhile."

October 30, 2000 - Filed Under: Master Gardener

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Kids across the state are learning from Master Gardeners the power plants have to beautify their surroundings.

In Meridian, Master Gardeners have teamed up with the Meridian Public School District's Parents As Teachers program to offer a gardening project. Cathy Trawick works with the school program and also is a Master Gardener. She works out of an office in a public housing project.

October 30, 2000 - Filed Under: Community

By Maridith Geuder
MSU University Relations

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- In a new study exploring the state's future employment opportunities for people leaving welfare, a Mississippi State research scientist finds good and not-so-good news.

Frank Howell, a professor in Mississippi State University's Social Science Research Center, reports a promising picture in some parts of Mississippi. In other areas, he predicts a shortage of jobs matching the skill and educational levels of those in the labor market.


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