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December 5, 2013 - Filed Under: Crops, Farming, Lawn and Garden

GOODMAN – Commercial growers, farmers and home gardeners can get advice on the best crops to grow and the best equipment to use during the final field day of a year-long series at the Alliance for Sustainable Agricultural Production Demonstration Farm in Goodman.

On Dec. 13, experts from the Mississippi State University Extension Service will discuss crop selection, seed acquisition, and equipment selection, acquisition and maintenance.

Cattle producers have access to a free app.
December 4, 2013 - Filed Under: Livestock, Beef

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Cattle producers have access to a free app that calculates a variety of factors impacting their livestock management decisions.

The Mississippi State University Extension Service released the MSUES Cattle Calculator on Dec. 2 for Apple devices.

Brandi Karisch, an assistant professor of animal and dairy sciences at MSU, is the Extension beef specialist who provided technical information to develop the app at the request of Mississippi beef cattle producers.

Hamp Beatty
December 2, 2013 - Filed Under: Economic Development

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Starting a small business can be challenging, but a workshop for new business owners can help them know what to expect once they open the doors.

A seminar for anyone interested in starting a small business will be provided by the Mississippi State University Extension Center for Government and Community Development beginning January 9th. MSU experts will repeat the workshop the second Thursday of each month at 2:00 p.m. at the Golden Triangle WIN Job Center near Columbus.

Poinsettias such as this Ice Punch selection are part of the expected scenery and decorations of Christmas. They come in a wide variety of colors and styles, and with a little care, they can last past the holiday season. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman)
December 2, 2013 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

In their native Mexico, the bright red flowers of poinsettia are known as Flores de la Noche Buena – or Flowers of the Holy Night – as they bloom each year during the Christmas season.

If you’re a fan of poinsettias but like variety, you’ll find the range of poinsettia colors available is truly remarkable. Poinsettia is no longer simply “that red Christmas plant.” Colors range from red and white to even maroon for Bulldog fans, making it hard to choose. In addition to solid colors, there are bicolor, speckled and marbled poinsettias. There are even rose-flowered selections.

Mississippi State University postdoctoral researcher Aparna Krishnavajhala has worked for years to send needed supplies to the school in her home village in India. Here, her mother, sister, brother-in-law and brother are seated at the table during the annual award ceremony for that school. (Submitted photo)
November 27, 2013 - Filed Under: Community

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Aparna Krishnavajhala is a postdoctoral researcher at Mississippi State University who practices giving back year-round as she works from Starkville to aid the education of girls in India.

Mississippi State University secondary-education teacher candidate Ann Claire Blakely, right, teaches Studio School student LaGlotrice Jordan in the Body Walk brain room in June 2013. The Studio School hosts Body Walk with help from the MSU Extension Service and the MSU Center for the Advancement of Service-Learning. (Submitted photo)
November 26, 2013 - Filed Under: Community, Family

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Building a habit of learning by doing is beginning early for some Oktibbeha County students.

Middle- and high-school students enrolled in the Studio School project founded by Mississippi State University professor Kay Brocato are serving as volunteer instructors with Body Walk, a hands-on exhibit that tours the state. Sponsored by the MSU Extension Service, Body Walk teaches elementary students about healthy habits, hygienic practices and the science behind the human body.

November 25, 2013 - Filed Under: Commercial Horticulture, Fruit, Food Safety

JACKSON – Fruit and vegetable growers can learn techniques to make their produce safer for the consumer during one of four upcoming Mississippi State University workshops.

Specialists with the MSU Extension Service and the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station will conduct four separate workshops across the state on developing and implementing good agricultural practices and good handling practices.

November 25, 2013 - Filed Under: Community

Mississippi State University students in the Apparel, Textiles and Merchandising Program will host a futuristic fashion show, sponsored by the Cotton Incorporated Support Program.

The show will begin at 7 p.m. on Dec. 3 in the Foster Ballroom in the Colvard Student Union on campus. It will feature MSU students’ merchandising projects made of at least 60 percent cotton. General admission is free.

The merchandising and promotion strategies class is putting on the fashion show called “The New Age Traveler.”

The pyracantha shrub is popular because of its abundance of red berries that seem to drip off the branches in heavy clusters. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman)
November 22, 2013 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

Fall weather is always a treat because some of the plants that provide summer backgrounds step up and show off their stuff.

I’m not talking about flowers, although there are several plants that bloom in late fall and early winter. I’m talking about the landscape shrubs and small trees that put on dazzling displays of red berries. What can be more appropriate heading into the holiday season?

November 22, 2013 - Filed Under: Nuts, Food

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Pecans are a staple of the holiday season, but with so many options, some consumers find it hard to decide what to buy.

In addition to buying Mississippi pecans in the shell or already shelled, cooks find a dizzying array of nut sizes, colors, varieties and prices.

“When consumers are buying pecans, they should ask if the pecans are from the current year’s crop to ensure freshness,” said Max Draughn, owner of Pecan Hill Farms in Raymond. “The oil in pecans oxidizes, and the flavor and quality of the pecan deteriorates over time.”

Lisa Cain, 11, and Mary Jane Cain, 10, use rolled-up newspaper to build a paper table at the Mississippi State University Mechanical Engineering Service Learning Showcase Nov. 20. 4-H members tested educational projects developed by MSU students in partnership with MSU’s Center for the Advancement of Service-Learning Excellence. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Bonnie Coblentz)
November 21, 2013 - Filed Under: Community
Kyle Kopfinger, a freshman from Huntsville, Ala., helps 4-H member Luke Schilling, 8, build a parachute to learn about gravity and air resistance while Rebekah Schilling, 5, watches. Amrat Gandhi (back), a freshman from India, helped develop the activity as a project for a mechanical engineering class service learning project. The Mississippi State University Center for the Advancement of Service-Learning Excellence facilitated this project with 4-H and the Extension Service Center for Technology Outreach.
November 21, 2013 - Filed Under: 4-H
Bonnie Carew
November 20, 2013 - Filed Under: Family, Health

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Caregivers cannot neglect themselves without hurting the quality of service they give those who need them.

Bonnie Carew, assistant Extension professor in food science, nutrition and health promotion at Mississippi State University, said it is appropriate for the MSU Work-Life Balance Committee and Staff Council to sponsor a seminar on caregiving. The Family Care Seminar was held on campus Nov. 19.

Faye Hollingsworth maps the Duval Cemetery in Itawamba County on a tablet computer during a Mississippi State University Extension Service technology workshop. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Keri Collins Lewis)
November 20, 2013 - Filed Under: Community

MISSISSIPPI STATE – When people hear “Extension Service,” they typically do not think of cemeteries or archery contests, but Mississippi State University Extension agents and specialists are reaching out to clients with creative programs.

Mariah Smith, assistant Extension professor with the Center for Technology Outreach, uses seasonal themes and existing interests to design technology workshops with broad appeal.

Lucas Ferguson prepares a sterile saline solution for researchers in Dr. Henry Wan's influenza lab at the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Ferguson, an MSU freshman, began learning laboratory basics in the faculty-student research program while he was still a senior at the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science. (Photo by MSU College of Veterinary Medicine/Tom Thompson)
November 18, 2013 - Filed Under: Community

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Lucas Ferguson is a little different from most other Mississippi State University freshmen.

Ferguson, a Batesville native, got a head start on his goal to become a medical researcher last year while still a senior at the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science in Columbus. Ferguson began learning basic biosafety and maintenance procedures by assisting Dr. Henry Wan’s graduate, Ph.D. and post-doctoral students with their research in the virology laboratory.

November 18, 2013 - Filed Under: Community, Technology

MISSISSIPPI STATE – A wealth of county-level information is available in seconds through a set of profiles created by experts with the Mississippi State University Extension Service.

A new app and website provide community stakeholders, business leaders and elected officials access to detailed socioeconomic statistics for each county in the state.

Chidori Red kale has extremely colorful, loose heads. New foliage is a bright magenta red, and mature leaves take on a darker green. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman)
November 18, 2013 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

It’s not too late to plant your winter color, but when you go to the garden center, resist the temptation to head straight for the pansies and violas. Consider putting some colorful ornamental kale and cabbage in your landscape this winter.

These ornamentals bring so many different colors and leaf textures to add landscape interest. Don’t plant a single type. Mix and match your favorites to create a display all your own.

Mississippi State University scientists are creating a 550-acre demonstration forest in Oktibbeha County by thinning timber to different densities. This section has been thinned to create bobwhite quail habitat. (Photo courtesy of Misty Booth)
November 18, 2013 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Wildlife

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Scientists at Mississippi State University are transforming a piece of property in Oktibbeha County into a unique habitat for conducting research and teaching best land management practices.

In this forest, wildlife habitat and timber production are intertwined. Deer, turkey, quail and an array of grassland songbirds fill the land while healthy streams flow along its boundaries.

MSU Forest and Wildlife Research Center experts began working on the 550-acre property this fall. The land is a living laboratory that showcases proper land management.

I-Wei Chu, with Mississippi State University's Institute for Imaging and Analytical Technologies, helps Biloxi Junior High School eighth-grader, Danaisha Cherry, and her mother, Lydia Cherry, look at some images with a scanning electron microscope during the Pathways2Possibilities career expo Nov. 13. More than 6,000 eighth-graders participated in the two-day event at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center in Biloxi. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kat Lawrence)
November 18, 2013 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Community

BILOXI – More than 6,000 eighth-graders got help deciding what they want to be when they grow up during Mississippi’s first Pathways2Possibilities career expo Nov. 13 and 14.

The interactive event introduced coastal-area students to 19 different career paths, including agriculture.

