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This Pretty Much Picasso petunia looks great because it is growing in high-quality potting mix. (Photo by Gary Bachman)
January 20, 2011 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

Shopping at the local garden center for potting mix for container plants can be confusing. A bag that simply says “garden soil” can have anything in it. While this may work for in-ground plants, plants in containers require a totally different kind of mix.

Bagged mixes for container plants are often called potting or container mixes. These mixes actually contain no soil at all. They are sold under a variety of trade names and are similar in their basic recipe.

January 20, 2011 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Beef

By Justin Ammon
Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Recent research has demonstrated the value of cattle with calm temperaments and the price producers pay for keeping wilder animals in their herds.

A five-year Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station study found that cows with poor temperaments can affect the entire herd and reduce producers’ bottom lines.

Practice arranging plants while visiting local garden centers. The results can make for beautiful arrangements, like this Giant White bacopa, Painted Coral calibrachoa and Lobster Potunia mix. (Photo by Gary Bachman)
January 13, 2011 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

The onslaught of gardening catalogs arriving at our homes is a sure sign of the impending spring and summer gardening seasons.

They have started to pile up at my house. Looking at the stack, I found myself daydreaming this weekend as the wintery blast came sweeping through Mississippi. How will our gardens look in a few short weeks? And how can we make this transformation a little easier?

Whoever said great looking gardens can be maintenance-free? A great looking garden is a lot of work, and with our busy lives, taking a few shortcuts can help us work more efficiently.

January 13, 2011 - Filed Under: Family, Children and Parenting

MISSISSIPPI STATE – The fourth annual Mississippi KIDS COUNT Summit will focus on the educational challenges affecting the future of Mississippi’s children.

This year’s event, “Working Together to Improve Educational Outcomes for Mississippi’s Children: What Will It Take?” will be Feb. 3 at Christ United Methodist Church in Jackson. The event provides a forum to discuss early care and education, literacy, healthy schools and graduation rates.

Lorrie Bryan, cake decorator at the Mississippi State University Fountain Bakery, creates Bully's pawprints to cupcakes after whipping up a batch of maroon frosting. (Photo by Scott Corey)
January 13, 2011 - Filed Under: Family

By Patti Drapala
MSU Ag Communications

MISSISSIPPI STATE – In the minds of many brides and grooms, the perfect wedding cake is one that acknowledges tradition yet reflects individuality, and most cake decorators can make the couple’s dreams come true.

Cake decorators use skill, experience and creativity to turn the wishes of the bride and groom into a showpiece that draws the admiration of the wedding guests. The cake must look good, but it also has to taste good to succeed.

January 13, 2011 - Filed Under: Family, Family Dynamics, Pets

By Cheree Franco
MSU Ag Communications

MISSISSIPPI STATE – In the chaos of organizing a wedding, brides and grooms sometimes overlook how tough the transition may be for their furry, feathered and hoofed friends.

Blending pet families can be stressful for both humans and animals, but foresight and attention to detail help ensure a successful adjustment.

January 13, 2011 - Filed Under: Family, Family Financial Management

MISSISSIPPI STATE – The real financial challenges of a marriage have much less to do with the wedding itself than with learning to handle money wisely as a couple.

Carla Stanford, Mississippi State University Extension Service child and family development area agent in Pontotoc County, said couples should know each others’ spending habits and financial patterns before they marry.

January 13, 2011 - Filed Under: Family, Family Dynamics

By Karen Templeton
MSU Ag Communications

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Planning a wedding can be stressful for any couple, but when the bride or groom has divorced parents, the process can be even more challenging.

January 13, 2011 - Filed Under: Family, Family Financial Management

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Couples may think tight wedding budgets mean only friends and family can provide food for receptions, but professional caterers offer options at any price level.

Vicki Leach, chef instructor in the Culinary Arts Institute at Mississippi University for Women, said caterers may even be willing to work with the couple’s family and friends.

“Business is business, and most caterers are looking for opportunities for people to taste their food,” she said. “Caterers can get referrals from even the smallest jobs, and that helps them build their client base.”

January 6, 2011 - Filed Under: Family, Family Financial Management

By Justin Ammon
Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- All college students run a high risk for serious financial problems, and a Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station study indicates that older students are actually less financially secure than younger ones.

Rankin County Master Gardeners president Nellie Axley of Brandon admires the refurbished flower bed the group created for the local Extension office landscape.
January 6, 2011 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

By Patti Drapala
MSU Ag Communications

BRANDON – Rankin County Master Gardeners enjoy converting plain spaces into landscapes that draw attention, so they jumped at the chance to transform the county Extension office into a focal point for good gardening.

Living screens can block out unpleasant views in landscapes in ways not possible with fences or walls. This row of pampas grass is green and full, even in the winter. (Photo by Gary Bachman)
January 6, 2011 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens, Landscape Architecture

January is a good time to take a look at your landscape because views are not obstructed by much foliage. When we can get a really clear view of what lies beyond our own yards, we sometimes don’t like what we see.

Many times we see the neighbor’s house or some view we’re not interested in. These views are hidden in the summer but seem to stare back in the winter. You may notice some traffic noise that gets blocked out by summer foliage.

You could build a privacy fence or wall, but these can seem a little cold and stark. It may be time to plant a living screen.

Each fall, scientists from all over the world flock to Mississippi State University to learn the latest in insect-rearing techniques. Blaine Junfin of Kunafin Insectaries and international participants Tara Van Beelen and Neil Naish identify insect pathogens in an MSU lab. (Photo by Kat Lawrence)
January 6, 2011 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Insects

By Cheree Franco
MSU Ag Communications

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Most Mississippians spend their lives swatting mosquitoes, but each fall scientists from all over the world flock to Mississippi State University to learn to raise hardy mosquitoes, flies and other insects.

In 1999, professor emeritus Frank Davis and a handful of his colleagues in the entomology department recognized a lack of mass insect-rearing facilities at universities. They approached Vance Watson, then Vice President of Agriculture, with a proposal.

Hosea Brown, right, cooks down sugar cane syrup to molasses the old-fashioned way over a wood fire in his family business in Jefferson Davis County. Family friend Joe Norwood helps with the work at My Paw Paw's Ole Fashion Molasses in New Hebron. (Photo by Prentiss Headlight/Shirley Burnham)
January 6, 2011 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Community, Family

MISSISSIPPI STATE – An old-time family tradition of turning sugar cane into molasses earned a Jefferson Davis County man honors as the state’s top syrup producer for 2010.

Hosea Brown owns and operates My Paw Paw’s Ole Fashion Molasses in New Hebron. He grows about 1.5 acres of sugar cane on his Bradley Hills Farm and processes the cane into syrup molasses each year.

“I do this as a hobby because my grandfather has done it for years,” Brown said. “I’m just trying to keep it going as a family heirloom, and I have somewhat taken on the family responsibility.”

January 6, 2011 - Filed Under: 4-H, City and County Government

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Four qualified 4-H=ers who want to learn more about state government will have the chance to be pages for one week in March during the 2011 Mississippi legislative session.

The Mississippi State University Extension Service 4-H program and the Center for Governmental Training and Technology are sponsoring the opportunity for 4-H youth to serve in the 2011 Legislative Page Internship Program March 14-18. Program coordinators hope to select two male and two female 4-H’ers for the positions.

Harold Rone of Starkville uses a hose to water his garden when rainfall is not adequate. If the idea of a hose doesn't appeal to you, consider installing an irrigation system. (Photo by Scott Corey)
December 30, 2010 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

The brand-new year is the perfect time to make gardening resolutions.

My job at Mississippi State University’s Coastal Research and Extension Center in Biloxi gives me the opportunity to answer a lot of questions and solve many garden problems. Based on this experience, here’s my list of resolutions Mississippi gardeners can make to be more successful in the new year.

When it's cold outside, it's easy to make elaborate garden plans for the spring. These gardens of our dreams may be too big to properly maintain, so start small and add more garden as time allows. (MSU Extension Service photo)
December 23, 2010 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

Gardening, be it vegetables or flowers, is a popular pursuit. But as enjoyable as gardens can be, there are times when gardeners have problems. Here are some of the traps that gardeners fall into from time to time, and tips to help you avoid them.

December 17, 2010 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Dairy

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Dairy producers in Mississippi and Louisiana are invited to participate in a management conference designed to help them learn to increase their profits.

The Mississippi-Louisiana Dairy Management Conference will be held Jan. 13 at the Southwest Events Center in Tylertown. The 9 a.m.-1 p.m. event is open to all dairy producers, dairy managers and dairy farm employees.

Monsanto Co. representative Derenda Stanley, left, presents Susan Holder a ceremonial check for $5,000 in support of 4-H. Holder, director of the 4-H Youth Program with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said the funds will support the 4-H Cooperative Business Leadership Conference in 2011. This annual event is the reward given to senior-level 4-H members who placed first in their state competitions at 4-H Congress and state 4-H leadership team members. The primary objective of grants from
December 17, 2010 - Filed Under: 4-H
December 16, 2010 - Filed Under: Community

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Mississippi State University is merging the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology to promote cost savings and further strengthen research efforts.

The faculty-led Select Committee on Efficiencies and Innovations made the department merger recommendation after consulting with departmental faculty from both units.

Formed in fall 2009, the Select Committee on Efficiencies and Innovations was appointed by MSU President Mark Keenum to address financial challenges.

