October 2024 - 4-H Animal Lines
Your Extension Experts
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June 2, 1995
“Goals are the links in the chain that connect activity to accomplishment.” ~ Zig Ziglar
An Official Health Certificate with each animal identified will be required on all livestock showing at the 2025 Dixie National Junior Round-Up. This includes all market animals, beef breeding cattle, commercial beef heifers, dairy cattle (purebred and commercial dairy heifers/cows), dairy goats (registered and commercial senior/junior does), wether dams, breeding hair sheep, Boer goat does, commercial gilts, and commercial meat goat does. Because the market shows are non-terminal, all market animals must be accompanied with an official health certificate obtained from a veterinarian.
Exhibitors are required to turn in a completed health record form for each animal to be shown that lists all medications and treatments received within 60 days prior to the show. Extension agents and agriculture education teachers – be sure to distribute these health record forms early so exhibitors can keep track of their livestock treatments. This form is to be turned in online using the app located at https://webapps.msucares.com/livestock.
Spring shows will be here soon. Now is a good time to run a final survey of your 4-H’ers to determine if additional purchases are needed and to be locating them. The only ownership deadlines that have passed are for market steers, market lambs, market hair sheep, and market goats. You have until December 2 to purchase your market hogs, beef breeding animals, commercial beef heifers, dairy cattle, wether dams, breeding hair sheep, commercial gilts, commercial meat goat does, registered Boer does, and dairy goats (registered and commercial). December 2 is also the entry deadline for these livestock.
Double check registration papers on registered livestock to be sure they are in proper order. Now is the time to correct any problems. Remember that papers must be in the exhibitor’s name only. Farm names or joint ownership with adults are not acceptable. DON’T ASSUME THAT EVERYTHING IS RIGHT – CHECK!! Papers may be in multiple siblings’ names provided they are all 18 years of age or younger.
Now is the time to get your entries in order. All entries must be turned into the Extension office by December 2, 2024. All original nomination forms must be sent to the ADS Office along with a printout of all entries with the signature of the person in your county with Livestock responsibilities verifying that all entries are complete and accurate.
The 2025 District and Dixie National Junior Round-Up livestock shows will be here soon and the Mississippi Livestock Quality Assurance training for NEW exhibitors should be completed by December 2, 2024. Any youth going from a junior (age 8-13) to a senior (age 14-18) will also need to be recertified as a senior. The training is available on the 4-H livestock website. Code of Conduct Forms can be printed by searching in Publications for livestock code of ethics.