Disinfecting Devices
Your Extension Experts
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April 4, 1996
January 29, 1996
January 29, 1996
In these recent days of “social distancing” and “working from home”, we are more dependent on laptops, tablets and smart phones than ever before. After being in the grocery store and using hand sanitizer when getting back in the truck, I wondered about my phone which was in my hands the whole time.
Have you ever thought about disinfecting your devices? I personally have not until this week. So here is what Apple & Dell both say are safe ways to clean & disinfect your smart phones and laptops without harming them.
Turn off the device and disconnect any external devices.
Use a cotton swab or small paint brush to dust off between keys, air vents, or around edges of ports, while careful to avoid any internal contacts.
Moisten a microfiber cloth with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Apple also specifies that Clorox Disinfecting Wipes can be used.
Ring out the of cloth of excess moisture before wiping down the device.
Do not use a paper towel.
Do not spray any cleaning product directly onto a device as this can damage internal components.
Gently wipe the moistened cloth on the device surfaces.
Do not wipe dry – let surfaces air dry for at least 4 minutes; this is the key to the disinfecting process.
Wipe off any remaining residue with a microfiber cloth. No moisture should be visible on the surfaces of the product before it is powered on or plugged in.
Avoid using any of the following chemicals or products containing these chemicals, as they could cause permanent damage to some device surfaces:
Rubbing alcohol (not the same as isopropyl alcohol)
Bleach or any chlorine-based cleaner.
Ammonia (i.e. Windex)
Peroxides (including hydrogen peroxide)
Solvents (acetone, paint thinner, benzene...)
These same recommendations, according to RJ Young, also apply to other electronic equipment such as copiers, scanners, and printers.