Create and Update Business Profiles in MarketMaker
Your Extension Experts
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July 14, 1995
June 2, 1995
March 31, 1995
Posadas, B.C. Mississippi MarketMaker Newsletter, Vol. 7, No. 7, April 6, 2017.
As of March 2017, more than 1.3 million food businesses were registered in MarketMaker, as shown below. In Mississippi MarketMaker only, more than 12,000 food businesses were registered.
How many food businesses are registered in your county?
Do you know how many and what businesses are registered in the county where you work or reside? Please follow the procedures listed below to find the answers:
How do you register your food business?
How do you search for a business profile in MarketMaker?
Checking a business profile in MarketMaker is an easy task.
How do you update your business profile in Mississippi MarketMaker?
Updating your business profile is a good business practice. You can upload new photos, delete old photos, edit contact information, add new products and services, and add social media networks.
What are the benefits in registering your business?
Web Users and Views of Mississippi MarketMaker
More than 36,000 web users visited Mississippi MarketMaker since May 2014. These web users visited more than 76,000 pages and opened about two pages per visit.
Participate in Buy/Sell Forum
Businesses can use the MarketMaker logo?
What is MarketMaker?
MarketMaker is the largest and most in-depth database of its kind, featuring a diverse community of food-related businesses: buyers, farmers/ranchers, fisheries, farmers markets, processors/packers, wineries, restaurants, and more. MarketMaker provides simple yet powerful search tools to connect with others across the production and distribution chain (
Where can you find Mississippi MarketMaker?
MarketMaker is located at
Ask Siri or Cortana to search for “Mississippi MarketMaker” on your smart phone.
How do you register your food business in Mississippi MarketMaker?
Click Register and type your email address and a password in the spaces under Register. Be prepared to enter information (and pictures) about your business.
What are the benefits in registering your food business in Mississippi MarketMaker?
Producers register their businesses in MarketMaker because food buyers of all types access our database to find products and services to meet their specific needs. Through MarketMaker, producers can reach more buyers and more efficiently form profitable business alliances.
How do you search for your business profile in Mississippi MarketMaker?
Click Search and type the name of your business in the space under Search MarketMaker.
How do you update your business profile in Mississippi MarketMaker?
Click Register and then click UPDATE YOUR PROFILE. Type your email address and password in the spaces under Account Login. Be prepared to enter updated information (and pictures) about your business.
MarketMaker Training Workshops
This training workshop is available upon request by a group of 6-12 producers, extension agents, state regulatory agencies staff, and teachers. Each workshop will best fit the needs of the participants. Email Dr. Ben Posadas for details at [email protected].
How do you search for local food businesses in Mississippi MarketMaker?
Click Search and type a keyword in the space under Search MarketMaker.
What is the Market Research tool of MarketMaker?
The MarketMaker research tool is an interactive mapping resource for identifying target markets, developing customized census profiles, and mapping food related businesses over demographic maps.
Where do you find the Market Research tool in MarketMaker?
Look for the Market Research section in MarketMaker and click Research your market now or Use previous version.