Shade is the number one problem for many home lawns in Mississippi as we utilize trees in the landscape not only for aesthetics, but to help moderate the high temperatures of summer. If you have heavy shade in your lawn and have been unsuccessful keeping grass growing under the trees, even when selecting the most shade tolerant grasses such as St. Augustinegrass, then perhaps it is time to try some ground cover alternatives.
While ground covers may limit the space for recreation and other activities we enjoy on our lawns, they can certainly help keep the soil in place and provide color and texture differences in the landscape. Now is a great time to get ground covers established.
Choices can include mondo and liriope, although they are not grasses they do have somewhat similar texture and growth habits. Other good selections may include violets, wild strawberry, creeping phlox, ivy, Asiatic jasmine, periwinkle, etc.
To find a ground cover or two that appeals to you, visit your favorite nursery, garden center or simply drive around other well landscaped streets. For more tips on selecting and planting ground covers refer to Extension publications Selecting Landscape Plants and Establish and Manage Your Home Lawn. Both can be obtained from your local Extension Service office.
Published April 13, 2009
Dr. Wayne Wells is an Extension Professor and Turfgrass Specialist. His mailing address is Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mail Stop 9555, Mississippi State, MS 39762. [email protected]