Occasionally I receive request for recommendations to control lawn pests without the use of chemicals (pesticides). While there are cultural practices and products available to lessen the use of chemical pesticides the success of these products and practices can vary considerably depending upon how and when they are used, the severity of the pests, and the amount of damage that can be tolerated.
If you happen to be someone that prefers not using conventional pesticides, then I suggest that you learn as much as you can about biological alternatives that can fit into an integrated pest management program that includes careful scouting for pests, good cultural practices of proper mowing, watering, fertility, etc. and acceptance of the fact that your lawn may have some blemishes from time to time.
Bacterium-based (Bacillus spp.) and fungal-based (Trichoderma spp.) products along with beneficial nematodes and grain and animal by-products have been successfully used to suppress disease, insect or weed pests in turf.
Published January 26, 2009
Dr. Wayne Wells is an Extension Professor and Turfgrass Specialist. His mailing address is Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mail Stop 9555, Mississippi State, MS 39762. [email protected]