How to Make an Air Plant Terrarium
Video by Brian Utley
Air plants are popular, easy-to-care-for decorations. They are ideally suited for dorm rooms, apartments, and offices where watering plants may be more challenging, but are a lovely addition to any space. They also make great gifts, because you can buy materials in bulk.
Air plants, also called tillandsias, come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some even bloom!
To care for your tillandsias, simply spritz with water from a spray bottle or give them a cold water soak for 15 seconds once a week. Pat off excess water with a paper towel before returning the tillandsias to their containers. Make it “Watering Wednesday” to help you remember!
Every month the Mississippi State Trial Gardens offer workshops on horticultural topics. For more information about these Extension programs, follow their Facebook page.
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