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Coahoma County Newsletter

2022 Row Crop Programs

Coahoma County Extension Office is taking application for participation in the following 2022 Row Crop Programs:

Irrigation Water Management Practices

This program assists producers by answering questions regarding irrigation management by also providing an understanding of pipe planner 101, scheduling irrigations, and surge irrigation applications.

Soil Moisture Meter Training

3 year program aim to help farmers by providing and installing soil moisture sensors, offering season-long training, and use of sensor data for decision making.

MS Soybean Demonstration Program

Mississippi Soybean Demo Program will provide the resources, information, and training for clients to make informed decisions regarding best management options for soybean production in Mississippi.

On Farm installation of Demonstration Plots for viable variety data

MS Corn Demonstration Program

Mississippi Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program will provide the resources, information, and training for clients to make informed decisions regarding best management options for corn production in Mississippi.

On Farm installation of Demonstration Plots for viable variety data

(662) 624-3070 or Email [email protected]

2022 Southeast U.S. Vegetable Crop Handbook

The 2022 Southeast U.S. Vegetable Crop Handbook is now available! The focus of this handbook is on commercial vegetable production. An electronic copy of the book is accessible (link below). Commercial vegetable producers in Mississippi can also request a FREE hard copy of the book by sending an email request to [email protected]. Please provide your name, farm name, and complete mailing address. Home gardeners can find information on home garden vegetable production in the MSU Extension publication “Mississippi Vegetable Gardener’s Guide" (link below).

Southeast U.S. Vegetable Crop Handbook (commercial production)

Mississippi Vegetable Gardener's Guide (home garden production)


*View PDF for February and March 2022 calendar.*

4-H Shooting Sports Registration and SAFETY Training 1
4-H Shooting Sports Registration and SAFETY Training 2

Coahoma County Producers Meeting

Select Your County Office


Portrait of Mr. Michael Corbin Pruden
Extension Agent I