Sustainable Home Lawn Management
Sustainable Home Lawn Management will educate Extension clientele on managing their home lawns better.
Target Audience(s):
Home and property owners, property managers for municipalities, and private entities
Participants will:
- Increase knowledge about recommended agronomic practices and behaviors,
- Increase knowledge about responsible use and protection of natural resources and the environment,
- Learn about the recommended agronomic practices or behaviors to implement,
- Learn about new sustainability practices based upon Extension recommendations to implement, and
- Learn about turf quality to improve property value.
Total Number of Modules or Sessions: 2
Total Number of Hours for Program Delivery: 4
Program Delivery:
- Educational Class
- Group Discussion
- Numbered Extension Publication
Primary Contact:
Dr. Jay McCurdy, [email protected]
Associate Professor
Turfgrass Extension
Specialist/Weed Scientist/Weed
Control-Turf and Ornamentals