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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
P4001 2024 Projected Corn, Cotton, and Soybean Crop Returns Summary Agricultural Economics, Crops, Corn, Cotton, Soybeans 06-03-24
P4002-1 SipSafe Adams County Profile SipSafe 02-21-25
P3951 Mississippi Irrigation Manual Irrigation 06-13-24
P4000 Demographic Dynamics in Mississippi: Transition to an Aging Society Agricultural Economics 05-23-24
P4003 Becoming a Certified Organic Grower in Mississippi Vegetable Gardens 05-22-24
P3991 Climate-Smart Commodities (CSC) Pilot Program Overview Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, Mississippi Land Stewards, Forestry 11-15-24
P3997 2024 Projected Rice Returns Summary Agricultural Economics, Rice 05-16-24
M2458 2023 EFNEP and SNAP-Ed Impacts Nutrition 05-20-24
P3613 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Winter Squash Agriculture, Food and Health, Food 11-21-24
P3987 Food Shopping for One or Two Food and Health, Nutrition 04-29-24
P3612 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Beans Food and Health, Food, Nutrition 11-05-24
P3595 Agronomy Projects for 4-H and Youth 4-H, Youth Projects, Crops, Soils 04-24-24
P3994 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Eggs Nutrition 04-23-24
P3992 2023 MSU Extension On-Farm Cotton Variety Demonstration Program Agriculture, Crops, Cotton, Planting 05-22-24
P3993 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Bell Peppers Nutrition 04-11-24
P3985 Managing Weeds in Mississippi Cotton without Dicamba Cotton, Weed Control for Crops 03-25-24
P3984 Managing Weeds in Mississippi Soybean without Dicamba Soybeans, Weed Control for Crops 03-25-24
P3986 An Overview of Mississippi Agricultural Industry Deaths, 2017–2021 Health and Wellness, Agriculture 03-25-24
P3982 4-H Poultry Chain Project Guide 4-H, 4-H Livestock Program, Youth Poultry, Youth Projects, Poultry 03-03-25
P3983 Needs Assessment: Step-by-Step Through Practical Examples Research and Extension Centers 03-26-24
