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Publications Filed Under Lawn and Garden

Mississippi Vegetable Gardener's Guide

Chinese Privet

Pecan Scab in the Home Landscape

Protect Landscape Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borers

Boxwood Topiary Design

Identification Guide to Adult Mosquitoes in Mississippi

Row Crop Wreath for the Farmer Florist

Magnolia Wreath (Magnolia grandiflora) for the Farmer Florist

Swine Ectoparasite Control

  • Publication Number: P0865
    Filed Under: Swine, Pests
    Publication Type: Publications

Callery pear

An Easy, Effective Way to Control Perennial Woody Weeds in Home Landscapes

Mulches for the Landscape

  • Publication Number: P2301
    Filed Under: Lawn and Garden
    Publication Type: Publications

Farmer Florists and Wedding Consultations

Constructing Raised Beds for the Mississippi Gardener

Nitrogen in Mississippi Soils

Annual and Perennial Flowers for Mississippi Gardens

  • Publication Number: P1826
    Filed Under: Flower Gardens
    Publication Type: Publications

Control of Insect Pests In and Around the Home Lawn
