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Mississippi 4-H Kayaking Clubs

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Publication Number: M2444

4-H Kayaking Club members are learning

  • outdoor safety
  • parts of a kayak and canoe
  • paddling basics
  • knot tying and binding loads
  • selecting and packing camping supplies
  • how to use water sports accessories
  • ethical behavior
  • community service

Talk with your Extension agent today about 4-H Kayaking in your county!


Teaching youth from a kayak seat in Mississippi waters:

  • water safety
  • boating skills
  • environmental stewardship
  • appreciation for the natural world

4-H Kayaking is educational AND fun!


Join a 4-H Kayaking Club!

Contact your local Extension office today!

4-H is open to all youth ages 5 to 18.

4-H is delivered in every county in the state by the Mississippi State University Extension Service.

For more information, contact the Center for 4-H Youth Development:

Reid Nevins, Environmental Science and Education Specialist, [email protected], (662) 325-7960

Brad Staton, Extension Associate, [email protected], (662) 325-3350


M2444 (07-23)

Department: Ctr 4-H Youth Development
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Portrait of Mr. Reid A. Nevins
Extension Specialist I
4-H Environmental Sciences