Feature Story from 2011
By Debbie Montgomery
MSU School of Human Sciences
MISSISSIPPI STATE – A Mississippi State University program is connecting families to education and community resources that help children thrive.
Project Navigator, administered by MSU’s School of Human Sciences, teaches families positive parenting skills and connects them with resources. During the first year, the program targeted families with children ages birth to five in Choctaw, Clay, Kemper, Noxubee and Winston counties.
By Kaitlyn Byrne
MSU Office of Ag Communications
PONTOTOC – A partnership between a nonprofit medical treatment group and the Mississippi State University Extension Service has opened up health care options for uninsured children in Pontotoc County.
Catch Kids is a nonprofit organization that makes quality healthcare possible for children without health insurance. There are 15 Catch Kids clinics. They are in Chickasaw County, Lee County and now Pontotoc County.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Preserving Mississippi’s vanishing prairies through conservation, restoration and establishment of new prairie gardens will save unique plants and maintain native landscapes.
“Many ecosystem processes regulate conditions for life,” said Bob Brzuszek, associate Extension professor in Mississippi State University’s Department of Landscape Architecture and Contracting. “Protecting wild species, such as those found in prairies, protects managed ecosystems, which in turn impact human interests.”
CRYSTAL SPRINGS -- The Southeast’s largest home gardening event is about to mark its 33rd anniversary as gardeners from across the region flock to Copiah County for the Oct. 21 and 22 Fall Flower & Garden Fest.
Mississippi State University, through the Extension Service and the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, is sponsoring the annual event at the Truck Crops Branch Experiment Station in Crystal Springs. Gates will be open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily, and admission and parking are free.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – A Mississippi State University poultry sciences associate professor was recognized by the National Chicken Council for his research contributions.
Alex Corzo received the council’s Broiler Research Award for research work that has positively impacted the broiler industry. An eight-year veteran of the university, Corzo is a scientist with the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. His research is focused on how poultry absorb nutrients and use dietary ingredients.
By Laci Kyles
Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station
MISSISSIPPI STATE – A Mississippi State University assistant professor is looking to “panda poop,” or microbes in panda excrement that breakdown woody materials, as a possible means to biofuel production.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – The 38th Annual Ornamental Horticulture Field Day on Oct. 6 will give updates on current research findings and experiments relevant to this industry.
The half-day event will be held at the South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station in Poplarville. There will be tours of the trial gardens and research updates from scientists at Mississippi State University and the USDA Agricultural Research Service’s Southern Horticultural Laboratory.
By Karen Templeton
MSU Ag Communications
MISSISSIPPI STATE – A new broadband initiative seeks to help Mississippians connect to new technology, increasing access to a wide range of community and economic development opportunities.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Dr. SaraRose Knox is a 2010 graduate of Mississippi State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and an Army captain deployed in Afghanistan who keeps working dogs healthy and ensures safe food for troops.
Knox, from Brookfield, Mass., has worked with animals since she was 15.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Creativity and self-awareness are the foundation for personal style, and fashion experts at Mississippi State University say fall clothing trends can be incorporated into anyone’s wardrobe with minimal expense.
JACKSON – An all-day event at the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum on Lakeland Drive on Oct. 29 will celebrate more than 100 years of youth development programming for the state’s 4-H members.
PICAYUNE – Mississippi State University’s Crosby Arboretum has partnered with GPTrex, a company founded by parents and educators, to produce an interactive, family-friendly application for visitors with iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches.
Using the devices’ built-in technology and intuitive touch screen, the mobile application offers families a whole new experience when visiting the arboretum. The free application provides visitors with high-resolution images of plants and animals, streaming video, GPS mapping and challenge questions.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Old West days are long gone, but cattle producers still need to take steps to prevent the theft of livestock by modern-day cattle rustlers.
John Michael Riley, agricultural economist with Mississippi State University’s Extension Service, said cattle prices have been high during most of 2011, with record-high prices last spring.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Hunters in the Lowndes County area may find deer with colored ear tags wandering in the woods this fall.
The tagged deer are part of a Mississippi State University Forest and Wildlife Research Center study to determine antler size and growth rates for wild, male, white-tailed deer.
The study objective is to determine if antler size in young bucks is an indication of their future size as mature deer.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Local residents can get rid of their unused household medications at the third annual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Oct. 29.
The Mississippi State University Extension Service and the Oktibbeha County Sheriff’s Department are working together to facilitate the event, which will be held from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in front of the Starkville Piggly Wiggly store at 118 Highway 12.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Farmers and Facebook may not seem like natural allies, but savvy agribusiness owners are using social networks to generate business and educate consumers.
Amanda Clay Powers, Extension reference librarian and assistant professor at Mississippi State University’s Mitchell Memorial Library, is a nationally recognized expert in social media. Her Twitter guide for the MSU library’s collection, located at http://guides.library.msstate.edu/twitter, helps people get started in social media.
By Kaitlyn Byrne
MSU Ag Communications
MISSISSIPPI STATE – One of Mississippi State University’s current mascots came close to not being a Bulldog at all.
Chris Wilbourn said he originally planned on attending the University of Mississippi and majoring in foreign languages, but his 4-H youth agent, Jan Walton, encouraged him to “just visit” the MSU campus. With a little help from his aunt, he was hooked.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Row crop producers interested in baling peanuts and ratoon corn to use as hay are being urged by Mississippi State University experts to be aware of chemical residues.
Rocky Lemus, forage specialist with the MSU Extension Service, said peanut hay is not labeled for animal consumption because of residual herbicides and pesticides that are not approved for forage production.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mary Beck has been selected as the new head of the Department of Poultry Science at Mississippi State University.
Beck has served as a professor at Clemson University’s College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences since 2007. While there, she has held various leadership positions including chair of the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. Prior to her position at Clemson, Beck worked as a professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Planning ahead for Halloween can help keep the bandages on the mummy costume instead of an injured child.
Ted Gordon, Mississippi State University Extension safety specialist at the North Mississippi Research and Extension Center in Verona, advised both parents and homeowners to prepare for Halloween festivities with a few simple tips.
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