Director’s Message

A man standing at a podium with a microphone.

MSU Extension Service Director Dr. Angus Catchot speaking at the 2024 Mississippi 4-H Volunteer Leaders Forum • Photo by Michaela Parker

Photos by Kevin Hudson

Dear friends,

Welcome to Extension Matters! We will bring you the best success stories about Extension clients every Friday to brighten your weekend, and I’m excited to welcome you to our new format.

Three people standing and smiling beside a poster board showing pictures of the National 4-H Hall of Fame inductees from Mississippi.
Catchot, right, with National 4-H Hall of Famer Larry Alexander and Mississippi 4-H Center for Youth Development Interim Head Dr. Mariah Morgan

In the coming weeks, we’ll share more about a longtime Extension employee, Larry Alexander, who was recently inducted into the National 4-H Hall of Fame. We’ll show how partnerships with organizations can accomplish large-scale conservation initiatives.

Volunteers will explain how they’re serving and what they’re accomplishing. A Covington County cattle producer will explain how Extension helped him make his operation more profitable, and a truck crop producer will explain how he’s transitioned his business to focus on agritourism.

A man in an orange shirt talking with a man wearing a baseball hat and standing in a raised bed garden.
Catchot, left, consulting with an attendee at the 2024 First Day of Summer Field Day

Our digital magazine will also continue featuring “What’s New,” photo essays, and Q&As, and we’ll deliver photos, videos, and other multimedia content. We’re always evaluating what we’re doing and how we’re doing it because we are here to support you—the people of Mississippi.


Hail State,

Dr. Angus L. Catchot

Director, MSU Extension Service

A group of five people standing in a line and smiling.
Catchot with his family—wife Beverly, daughter-in-law Lauren, son Angus Jr., and son Ty—at the 2024 Row Crop Short Course.
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