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Matthew Thorn of Itawamba County is spending this summer working at Mississippi State University in the Mississippi Entomological Museum. Thorn found his calling at MSU's Bug Camp and later discovered a mosquito species never before reported in Mississippi. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kat Lawrence)
June 14, 2012 - Filed Under: Insects-Human Pests, Insects, Lawn and Garden

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Bugs provoke shudders or shrieks from most people, but Matthew Thorn seeks them out.

Two years ago, Thorn’s hobby led him to discover the Japanese Rock Pool Mosquito in Mississippi. The mosquito had never before been reported in the state. He collected the insect in its larva stage in Itawamba County. After the adult emerged, he identified it and was shocked by his findings.

Diana Eubanks
June 14, 2012 - Filed Under: Pets

By Kaitlyn Byrne
MSU Ag Communications

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Pet owners should make finding pet-friendly emergency shelters a priority, as these shelters are safe havens for all “family” members during evacuations caused by hurricanes or other threats.

June 14, 2012 - Filed Under: Community, Technology

JACKSON – The quest to improve Mississippian’s lives through digital literacy and better Internet access got a boost on June 8.

Mississippi State University’s Extension Broadband Education and Adoption Team, or e-BEAT, and the Mississippi Library Commission announced a partnership that will provide education and support at local libraries for citizens interested in computers and the Internet. The partnership will officially begin July 1.

June 14, 2012 - Filed Under: Technology

Home renovation projects always look easier on television than in reality. Viewers may never see the teams of professionals brought in to do the real work.

This past week, my brother and I discovered that a surprise renovation project for our parents could have gone smoother if we had used a few home-renovation apps in the process. We decided to take the plunge and surprise our parents by updating their kitchen while they were out of town, and some basic apps could have made a difference in our results.

Mississippi State University senior James Locke of Greenwood works full-time as a summer intern with Jimmy Sanders, Inc., and maintains Locke Farms, an 18-acre farm where he grows fruits, vegetables and field corn for sale locally. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Keri Collins Lewis)
June 14, 2012 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Community

MISSISSIPPI STATE – While some college students struck out in their employment searches this summer, one Mississippi State University student has two full-time jobs.

“I’ve been working from sunup to sundown every summer since I was 14, and this summer I’m farming and interning,” said James Locke, an MSU senior majoring in agriculture science. “School feels like a vacation to me.”

June 14, 2012 - Filed Under: Animal Health

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Veterinary technicians wanting to enhance their dental skills should plan to attend the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine veterinary technician dental training Aug. 18.

The one-day course will be from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. at MSU-CVM’s Wise Center in Starkville. The course is designed to develop competency and cover basic to advanced companion animal dental care. Experts will present lectures, and attendees will participate in hands-on exercises. Participants can earn eight continuing education credit hours.

June 13, 2012 - Filed Under: Family Financial Management

GRENADA – Individuals and families can learn skills needed to survive the current economy during an upcoming seminar on asset building.

Asset Building: Pathway to Household Financial Stability” will take place from 8:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. June 26 at the Grenada County Extension Office. Registration is required by June 20 for the free event. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Coreopsis grandiflora is a good choice for hot and dry planting locations, but provide consistent soil moisture to enjoy the best flowering performance. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman)
June 11, 2012 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

Yellow is a cheerful color that mixes and matches well in summer gardens. If your garden needs this versatile color, try Coreopsis, a tough group of plants that provides beautiful yellow and golden flowers from early summer to well into fall.

Proper veterinary care can help keep pets healthy and free from parasites, some of which can be passed to people. (Photo by MSU College of Veterinary Medicine/Tom Thompson)
June 8, 2012 - Filed Under: Pets

MISSISSIPPI STATE – When the school bell rings for the last time, many children have furry friends eagerly awaiting summertime outdoor adventures. Proper veterinary care and good hygiene can help keep pets and kids parasite-free.

“As we spend time outdoors, we expose ourselves to fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and internal parasites, such as hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms more frequently,” said Dr. Jody Ray, assistant clinical professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Mississippi State University.

Dairy cattle, such as these Holsteins, are becoming a rare sight in Mississippi as high production costs and low milk prices push dairy farmers out of the business. (Photo by MSU College of Veterinary Medicine/Tom Thompson)
June 8, 2012 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Dairy

MISSISSIPPI STATE – A mild winter and unusually productive spring means Mississippi dairy farmers are enjoying good milk yield from their cows, but low prices and high input costs are making profits scarce.

Lamar Adams, dairy cattle specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said production costs are at or near record highs and milk prices are down about 21 percent from last year primarily due to high levels of domestic and global milk production.

Scott Rowland, South Central regional vice president of the Forest Landowners Association, presents their Extension Forester of the Year award to Don Bales of Purvis, a forest and wildlife management specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service. (Submitted Photo)
June 8, 2012 - Filed Under: Forestry, Wildlife

MISSISSIPPI STATE – A forest and wildlife management specialist at Mississippi State University has been named the national Extension Forester of the Year by the Forest Landowners Association.

Don Bales of Purvis, a senior Extension associate in MSU’s College of Forest Resources and certified wildlife biologist, received the honor at the organization’s recent annual meeting in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. His office is located in the MSU Extension Service’s Southeast District Forestry Office in Lamar County.

June 7, 2012 - Filed Under: Technology

The hot days of summer are here, and children everywhere are lining up for snow cones, heading out to summer camps and splashing around in pools. While these lazy days are fun, recent statistics suggest that children can forget up to two months’ worth of knowledge from school over the summer. Unfortunately, teachers have to spend four to six weeks at the beginning of the school year re-teaching children what they forgot during their break.

An early spring is giving many home gardeners early harvests of tomatoes and vegetables. (File Photo)
June 7, 2012 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Vegetable Gardens

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Some Mississippi gardeners who took advantage of this year’s early spring are already eating the results of their efforts.

Lelia Kelly, consumer horticulture specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said garden plants are at least two weeks ahead of schedule across the state. Some are even earlier than that.

Creating a water feature, such as this one at the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science in Jackson, is one way to incorporate water into a backyard wildlife habitat for animals to bathe in and drink. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/ Susan Collins-Smith)
June 7, 2012 - Filed Under: Urban and Backyard Wildlife, Lawn and Garden

JACKSON – City dwellers do not have to move to the country to enjoy colorful birds, butterflies and other wild animals if they build a backyard wildlife habitat.

“The No. 1 reason people consider a backyard wildlife habitat is for the enjoyment they get from watching wildlife,” said Ty Jones, Madison County director with Mississippi State University’s Extension Service. “But in metropolitan areas, wildlife-friendly landscapes also give animals small pockets of refuge.”

Squash bees are solitary, native insects that specialize in pollinating squashes, pumpkins and gourds. Unlike honey bees, squash bees are not social and nest in the ground. (Photo courtesy of Blake Layton)
June 7, 2012 - Filed Under: Beekeeping, Insects, Lawn and Garden

MISSISSIPPI STATE – They help cucumbers grow straight, increase fruit yields and make the colorful fields of flowers possible -- they are pollinators, and a few simple plantings can make a home garden a haven for these important creatures.

More than 500 youth ages 14-18 came to Mississippi State University in late May for State 4-H Congress to compete and improve their skills. These youth were shooting photographs as part of a 4-H photography workshop. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Scott Corey)
June 4, 2012 - Filed Under: 4-H, Family

MISSISSIPPI STATE – This summer’s jam-packed 4-H schedule finishes out another full year of activities for the youth development program of the Mississippi State University Extension Service.

Close to 96,000 Mississippi youth are involved in 4-H this year. They learn, participate and compete in a variety of areas. 4-H’ers can be involved in ATV safety training and shooting sports, grilling and food safety, livestock shows and forestry events, weeds and seeds, robotics, photography, fashion and numerous other program areas.

For greatest flavor and fragrance, harvest mint after flowers are produced. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman)
June 4, 2012 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Herb Gardens

Mint is one of those plants that gardeners both love and hate at the same time.

Many gardeners love the sweet fragrance they smell when they brush against the mint foliage. They also find mint iced tea to be delicious or a mint julep to be a sure-fire summer time refreshment.

But in the landscape, mint grows aggressively and can quickly take over an area. I’ve heard people say -- hopefully in jest -- that the only way to control mint in the landscape is to move.

Mississippi State University Extension Service forage specialist Rocky Lemus examines a bermudagrass analysis from a portable forage tester on May 21, 2012, at the Henry H. Leveck Animal Research Farm, the forage unit at MSU's South Farm in Starkville. Forage and cattle producers can use test results to make harvest and feed supplement decisions. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Linda Breazeale)
June 1, 2012 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Crops, Forages, Technology

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Mississippi State University has the South’s first portable forage tester that can give hay and cattle producers immediate decision-making information and enable them to improve their profit margins.

Rocky Lemus, assistant Extension and research professor in MSU’s Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, said the small machine has big potential.

“We can use this year-round, testing grass in pastures and hay in fields during the growing season or testing hay in the barn during winter,” Lemus said.

June 1, 2012 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Health

MISSISSIPPI STATE – A Mississippi State University plant pathology researcher’s discovery of an agricultural phenomenon could lead to the development of a new antifungal drug.

The potential drug shows significant promise for the treatment of serious fungal infections in people with compromised immune systems, such as those undergoing chemotherapy treatments and those with HIV or AIDS. While MSU holds numerous patents and licenses, this is the first time a potential pharmaceutical drug has emerged from MSU research.

File photo of growing wheat
June 1, 2012 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Crops, Wheat

MISSISSIPPI STATE – A rapidly maturing 2012 wheat crop proved to be a timing challenge for Mississippi growers.

The state’s growers planted 480,000 acres, up from 360,000 acres the previous season. They were inspired by strong market prices and the record-average yields of 64 bushels per acre grown last year.

“Harvest is two or three weeks ahead of schedule, but we aren’t seeing exceptional yields like last year,” said Erick Larson, small grains specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service.

