MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Goats remain a niche segment of the state’s livestock production, but they have a strong fan base.
“Meat goats make up most of the goat herd in Mississippi and in the nation,” said Kipp Brown, area 4-H livestock agent and meat goat specialist with Mississippi State University Extension Service.
Bill Ryals and his son raise meat and dairy goats at the Rocking R Dairy in Tylertown.
NATCHEZ -- Area gardeners can fill their landscapes with flowers, plants and one-of-a kind art from the first-ever Gardener’s Expo.
More than 30 vendors from across the South will sell gardening-related items. Mississippi State University Extension Service professionals will be on hand to offer expert advice and answer questions. The expo will be held at the community center at 215 Franklin Street in Natchez.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Early spring is the perfect time to examine the performance and needs of cool-season forages at a Mississippi State University tour on April 30.
The Cool-Season Forage Tour will be from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the forage unit on the Henry H. Leveck Animal Research Farm, otherwise known as South Farm, in Starkville.
By Kaitlyn Byrne
MSU Ag Communications
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- The Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine’s open house attracted almost 4,000 visitors on April 13 and 14.
The open house offered hands-on activities, such as a petting zoo and a microscope station, as well as guided tours and educational exhibits and presentations on veterinary science and animal safety.
Jenny Sowell, a second-year student of CVM and vice-president of the CVM class of 2014, said a major goal of the open house is to inform while entertaining the attendees.
But that doesn’t mean it has to be hard. Putting together beautiful flowers and colorful foliage and enjoying combination containers is as easy as gathering pots and planting. You can use everything from heirloom vegetables to flowers to any other type of plant you would like.
Container gardening is an uncomplicated way to scratch that gardening itch without making any major landscape alterations.
STARKVILLE -- The safest method for disposing of unused household medications is to turn them in at official collection event, such as the fourth annual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on April 28.
One of these events will take place from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in front of the Starkville Piggly Wiggly at 118 Highway 12. The Mississippi State University Extension Service, MSU Police Department and Oktibbeha County Sheriff’s Department are working together to facilitate the event.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- A warm spring made early corn planting possible, and despite frequent rains, the statewide crop was about 90 percent planted by mid-April.
Erick Larson, grain crops agronomist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said corn planting should be completed soon if rains don’t halt progress.
By Kaitlyn Byrne
MSU Ag Communications
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Tech-savvy 4-H’ers in Mississippi are using their skills to help their communities get connected.
The Mississippi 4-H tech team is composed of 25 senior 4-H’ers who lead technology workshops on such topics as social media and digital filmmaking. Team members are selected through a competitive process and undergo intensive training.
Spring is in the air, and graduating seniors are fighting off senioritis as they prepare to take their final exams. Many of these students are in the process of looking for summer jobs or their first full-time jobs. With a tough job market, students need to use every resource available to market themselves to potential employers, including social media, such as Facebook.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Young people interested in robots, the science behind sports, and shaving cream tag are invited to register for the first-ever Junior Robotics Camp at Mississippi State University.
The camp is a program of the MSU Extension Service and 4-H. Activities will include building robots, electrical circuit projects, catapult wars, field trips, campus experiences, a night at the movies and visits from special guests.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- A four-day symposium at Mississippi State University will draw researchers, biologists and land managers concerned with enhancing, restoring and managing the prairies of the Southeastern United States.
The Southeastern Prairie Symposium will be May 14 through 17 in Starkville. Sessions will focus on prairie remnants, conservation, management and working grasslands in the region.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Recognizing the expanding career fields related to families, Mississippi State University will offer new graduate studies in the upcoming fall semester.
MSU’s School of Human Sciences will offer advanced degrees in Human Development and Family Studies, an interdisciplinary approach to the study of children, youth and families. The program encompasses specialty areas in infant and child studies, youth studies, family studies, family resource management and gerontology.
TYLERTOWN -- Beef and forage producers in Mississippi and Louisiana can learn how to improve their beef herds and pastures at a May 19 event in Walthall County.
The Mississippi/Louisiana Beef and Forage Field Day begins at 8:45 a.m. at the Livestock Producer’s Sale Barn located on Highway 98 East in Tylertown.
Topics include clover, heifer development, expected progeny difference in bull selection, herbicides, and alfalfa varieties for South Mississippi.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Local gardeners will have the opportunity to select spring bedding plants and support students in the horticulture club at Mississippi State University during the annual plant sale this Friday and Saturday.
This year’s sale will take place from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Friday, April 13, and from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. Saturday, April 14, in the campus greenhouses behind Dorman Hall on MSU’s main campus.
A wide variety of plants will be available such as summer annuals, perennials, herbs and vegetables.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- The 13th annual Mississippi 4-H Golf Classic will be at the Lake Caroline Golf Course in Madison on Tuesday, May 22.
The annual golf classic is a fundraiser for the Mississippi 4-H youth development program, part of the Mississippi State University Extension Service. Development officer Morris Houston said the event was moved to the new location to make it more convenient and accessible for participants.
If you’re thinking about what you want your porch or deck to look like this summer, consider how you can use Mandevilla, a vining plant best known for its showy displays of summertime flowers.
You can find these plants in red, pink and white at garden centers. Flowers are displayed against a backdrop of dark green, leathery foliage. Leaves can be quite large -- up to 8 inches long. Some selections have smaller leaves. The plants are sometimes sold as Dipladenia, which rhymes with gardenia.
Having grown up in a very small town where everybody knew everyone else’s business, I have come to appreciate the anonymity of big (or rather, bigger) city life, and Google is threatening that anonymity for many of us.
Granted, my current residence is not New York City, but I come from a town that counted the people twice and the cows and tractors once in an effort to keep the post office. As a result, I’ve learned to appreciate the ability to go out to dinner with someone and not hear it on the prayer list Sunday morning.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- A Mississippi State University meat scientist is describing recent media reports as irresponsible journalism that casts a shadow over established practices that make certain ground beef products healthier and safer.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Take a look at 4-H livestock show rings anywhere in the state. There are nearly as many goats as hogs, sheep or steers.
“We’ve increased the numbers of goats shown by about 25 percent each year since the first year,” said Kipp Brown, area 4-H livestock agent and meat goat specialist with Mississippi State University’s Extension Service. “It’s helping the kids, the producers and the 4-H program.”
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- A glass of milk may not look like preventive medicine, but daily calcium intake can build strong bones that are less likely to break.
“Osteoporosis is a loss of bone density to the point where fractures occur earlier and more easily. While more prevalent in women, men can also have osteoporosis,” said Diane Tidwell, associate professor in Mississippi State University’s Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion. “As the baby boomers get older, we’ll see a lot more osteoporosis, simply because our society is aging.”
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