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November 2, 1998 - Filed Under: Family

By Jamie Vickers

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Bring nature into the home to create a new look for both traditional and non-traditional decorations this holiday season.

"There are a lot of things that you can do with materials around your home to decorate for the holidays," said Jim DelPrince, assistant professor of floral design at Mississippi State University.

November 2, 1998 - Filed Under: Wildlife

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Short of bagging the perfect 10-point buck, hunters can get what they really want for Christmas if gift-buyers follow a few guidelines.

Stores are full of hunting and fishing equipment, clothes, gadgets and games. Some are needed, others useful and fun, but there are some that hunters and fishers sincerely hope don't end up under their Christmas tree.

Dean Stewart, an avid hunter and wildlife specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said hunters and fishers are real particular about the gifts they get.

November 2, 1998 - Filed Under: Wildlife

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- A large number of Mississippians have hunting on their minds when Thanksgiving and Christmas roll around, making safety in the woods a major consideration.

Each year, about 301,000 Mississippians over age 16 go hunting, spending a yearly average 22 days in the woods. With a state population of 2.6 million people in 1990 according to the U.S. Census Bureau, that means nearly 11.6 percent of Mississippians have hunting licenses.

November 2, 1998 - Filed Under: Pets

By Amy Woolfolk

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- When it comes time to pack up the kids, the luggage and the gifts for that trip to Grandma's house, do not forget about family pets and their special needs.

Dr. Richard Hopper, veterinarian with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said that while most pets travel well, there are several things pet owners need to think about before leaving home.

October 30, 1998 - Filed Under: Beef

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Cattle prices are rebounding after numbers of animals dumped on the market peaked in drought-stricken areas and with the anticipation of another year of fewer calves.

"Early in the year, we had an optimistic outlook for the fed cattle market, which led to feedlots keeping cattle longer than normal waiting for better prices," said Dr. Charlie Forrest, marketing specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service. "Longer-than-normal days on feed led to record-high slaughter weights."

October 23, 1998 - Filed Under: Nuts

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Holiday cooks may want to shop early while prices and supplies last for locally grown pecans.

"The 1998 crop could be the lowest crop in growers' memories," said Dr. Freddie Rasberry, horticulturist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service. "The few pecans that were set early on were lost to drought stress and the hurricane."

October 19, 1998 - Filed Under: Timber Harvest

By Amy Woolfolk

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Increased production and a new all-time record production value have given the Mississippi forestry industry a reason to celebrate.

As values and production increase, the economic importance of the forestry industry in the state continues to grow.

October 19, 1998 - Filed Under: 4-H, Pets

By Jamie Vickers

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Clay County hospitals will have some friendly yet unusual guests when 4-H'ers and their pets show up for therapy.

PAWS, Pets Are Worth Sharing, is a new program teaching Clay County 4-H'ers responsibility. PAWS trains youth and their pets for visits to nursing homes, schools and children's homes to offer a unique type of therapy.

Mary Ann Holloway, president of the PAWS program and owner of Paws-itive Attitudes Training Service, said PAWS offers a break in routine for people in nursing homes and children's homes.

October 19, 1998 - Filed Under: Food and Health

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Many people don't worry about cholesterol until they have a heart attack, but a little concern beforehand often can prevent many problems.

Dietary cholesterol is necessary for the body to function normally, but too high levels of these fats in the blood can be deadly.

Linda Patterson, health education specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said the imbalance of blood lipids -- fats -- raises the risk of heart disease. Things such as stress, genetics and exercise all affect the amount of blood fat.

October 19, 1998 - Filed Under: Landscape Architecture

By Jamie Vickers

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Landscapes never look the same after a natural disaster, but steps can be taken to minimize the damages, and some relief may be available at tax time.

Damage to trees includes broken and torn limbs, wounds, split branches, exposed roots and fallen trees. The care given to injured trees depends on the extent of the damage, age of the tree and the time needed for the surrounding soil to reach normal moisture levels.

October 19, 1998 - Filed Under: Livestock

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- When livestock are missing, a little-known Mississippi police agency moves into action with local law enforcement officials to recover the animals.

The Mississippi Agricultural and Livestock Theft Bureau within the Department of Agriculture is responsible for working all agriculture-related crimes. Joey Gonce, center director, said cattle are most frequently reported stolen, but horses, swine, poultry, fish, chemicals, equipment and timber are also stolen.

October 19, 1998 - Filed Under: Wildlife

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- The state has an abundance of creepy, crawly critters, but exactly which ones and in what numbers are questions the Mississippi Herpetological Atlas wants to answer.

This atlas is seeking to document where reptiles and amphibians are distributed throughout the state. Bird surveys are common, while atlases of reptiles and amphibians -- known as herps -- were not until recently when biologists documented the decline of amphibian numbers.

October 16, 1998 - Filed Under: Pumpkins

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- The success of the 1998 pumpkin crop depended on the availability of August rains or irrigation. For most growers, this wasn't their year.

Pumpkins grow best in dry and warm (but not hot) conditions, said Dr. David Nagel, Extension horticulturist at Mississippi State University.

"They are drought tolerant, but not that tolerant. They aren't desert plants," Nagel said. "Two of the state's pumpkin growers who irrigate had a great year, but the rest of the growers were lucky if they had an average year."

October 9, 1998 - Filed Under: Crops, Agricultural Economics

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Many state producers will remember 1998 as a farming disaster as low market prices compounded yield losses from heat, drought and hurricane.

Corn and soybeans took the biggest hit as low yields matched lower prices. Production value for both fell 32 percent from 1997 even though acreage this year was higher than last.

October 2, 1998 - Filed Under: Timber Harvest, Urban and Community Forestry

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Hurricane winds took their toll on South Mississippi forests and urban trees, but the price was not as high as some feared.

"Most forest land and landscape trees dodged the bullet from Hurricane Georges," said Dr. Glenn Hughes, forestry specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service. "Of course, if your are one of the homeowners who lost a treasured tree in your yard, you may not feel so lucky."

Hughes, who is based in Ellisville, said the hurricane-force winds apparently decreased quickly after landfall.

October 2, 1998 - Filed Under: Farm Safety

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Hurricane Georges has passed, but the deadly aftermath has just begun.

Many South Mississippi residents purchased their first chain saws as the storm approached, but the risks abound for experienced operators as well.

Dr. Laurie Grace, forestry specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said chain saw accidents occur when the operators fail to respect the deadly potential of their saw and/or fail to wear protective clothing such as chaps, safety boots, eye and ear protection, and hard hats.

October 2, 1998 - Filed Under: Farm Safety, Family Financial Management

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Make safety and documentation top priorities when returning home and cleaning up after a hurricane.

"Personal safety is most important," said Sharon Frazier, State Farm Insurance spokesperson, but documenting losses is also very important.

October 2, 1998 - Filed Under: Cotton, Soybeans

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Most cotton and soybean farmers relaxed as Hurricane Georges hung a hard right after landfall, but for Southeast Mississippi growers, the results were devastating.

Dr. Alan Blaine, agronomist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said growers across the state with fields almost ready for harvest were working around the clock to avoid the predicted heavy winds and rain.

October 2, 1998 - Filed Under: Family Financial Management

By Jamie Vickers

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Damage caused by Hurricane Georges could result in South Mississippi residents becoming victims of unethical or unqualified repairers or businesses.

Although judgement is often impaired during times of emergency, there are several ways consumers can avoid fraud.

October 2, 1998 - Filed Under: Family

By Amy Woolfolk

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- While Halloween costumes can be as simple as a trip to the store, taking time with a child to create a costume at home can be fun for the family.

Dr. Betty Fulwood, apparel and textiles specialist for Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said it has become common practice in today's fast-paced society to buy ready-made costumes. However, great costumes can be found at home for little or no expense.


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