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July 13, 1998 - Filed Under: Children and Parenting

By Marcela Cartagena

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Memories of a deadly 1997-1998 school year have many parents facing new fears about sending their children to school, but the solution to the violence may rest on the adults.

According to information posted on the Internet by the Parents Resource Institute for Drug Education, nearly 1 million students took guns to school in the 1997 academic year.

July 13, 1998 - Filed Under: Technology

By Marcela Cartagena

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- The Internet, allows billions of people to entertain and inform themselves, but it also can be a priceless teaching tool for today's students.

"A very important advantage students get from using the Internet is immediate access to information from all over the world," said Dr. Matt Raven, an associate professor with the Mississippi State University's Agricultural Educational and Experimental Statistics Department.

July 13, 1998 - Filed Under: Family Financial Management

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Dressing students for school both fashionably and sensibly does not have to eat up the grocery money if parents have a plan and a budget before they start.

Dr. Betty Fulwood, clothing specialist at Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said parents should determine what the child needs and how these can be met within the budget.

"The first step in getting back-to-school clothes ready is to inventory what the child already has," Fulwood said. "New items often can be added to extend the existing wardrobe."

July 13, 1998 - Filed Under: Children and Parenting

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- When a child does not want to go to school, parents should take note because it could signal something more serious than simply not wanting to study.

Dr. Louise Davis, child and family development specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said problems on the first day of school are common for young children, but consistent episodes could mean trouble.

July 13, 1998 - Filed Under: Family Financial Management

By Marcela Cartagena

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- When classes begin, students realize nothing comes cheap -- books, tuition and housing. Credit cards are often used to pay these inevitable expenses, but many students later learn credit cards may not be the best financial option.

According to a CNN 1996 report published on the Internet, most college students are bombarded with nearly 20 credit cards applications each semester. Since most college students have little or no income, many question why credit-card companies target this high-risk group.

July 13, 1998 - Filed Under: Children and Parenting

By Marcela Cartagena

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Acne, awkward limbs, body growth, hormonal rushes and moodiness are some recognizable signs puberty brings to children and parental communication could make a difference to ease children's emotional and physical stress.

"Children from ages 9 to 16, embark on an amazing adventure at puberty," said Linda Patterson, health education specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service. "This is when the brain begins to send signals to a child's reproductive system to develop."

July 10, 1998 - Filed Under: Soybeans

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Recent rains across parts of the state breathed new life into some parched soybean fields, but much of the state's crop is still in critical need of moisture.

Storms have brought more than an inch of rain to parts of northeast and central Mississippi, while other areas, including most of the Delta, did not get any.

Dr. David Shaw, Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station weed scientist, said soybean yields will drop significantly if the rest of the crop does not get rain in seven to 10 days.

July 2, 1998 - Filed Under: Seafood Harvesting and Processing

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Weather that had most other farmers praying for rain has had a positive effect on Mississippi's shrimp harvest.

"We've had good growing conditions Gulfwide," said Dave Burrage, marine resources specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service. "Two months of dry weather have resulted in increased salinity and temperatures -- the higher, the better."

June 29, 1998 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Kelli McPhail

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Keeping fresh flowers proves difficult, but drying flowers can be a creative and fun way to preserve flowers for decoration.

Dried flowers work well in bouquets, pressed flower pictures, potpourri, wreaths and as a wall decoration.

Norman Winter, a Mississippi State University Extension Service horticulturalist, said flowers like strawflower, baby's breath and cockscomb air dry easily.

June 29, 1998 - Filed Under: Community

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Thousands of miles from the Asian financial crises, Mississippi university students are feeling the pinch.

Dr. Bill Herndon, agricultural economist at Mississippi State University, said some foreign currencies have plummeted in the last six months. The countries most affected include Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines and Singapore.

June 29, 1998 - Filed Under: Fruit

By Marcela Cartagena

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Strawberry wine may have a place on country music charts, but Mississippi State University wine researches are looking to score with the state's own blueberries.

"Blueberry wine tastes different," said Dr. Juan Silva, associate professor in MSU's Food Science and Technology Department. "It has a softer and less acid flavor than grape wine."

Silva said the blueberries are shipped from South Mississippi, near Collins and Poplarville, to make this 12 percent alcohol wine.

June 29, 1998 - Filed Under: Cotton

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- An 1880s and a 1920s cotton gin are the latest additions to agricultural engineering classes at Mississippi State University.

Joe Jim Hogan of Oxford donated the cotton gin stands to MSU's Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering in May. Both cotton gins were steam-powered. The older one could gin four to six bales of cotton a day, the newer one could gin eight in a day.

"I thought maybe the university could use it in some way to show people how the old gins were made," Hogan said.

June 29, 1998 - Filed Under: Water Quality

By Marcela Cartagena

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mississippi's high temperatures make people drink more water, but sometimes consumers wonder whether bottled water is any different from tap water.

"People usually purchase bottled water because they perceive it tastes better," said Dr. Frances Graham, a housing specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service. "However, taste is not an indicator of safe water."

June 29, 1998 - Filed Under: Pets

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Fleas and summertime may seem inseparable, but proper treatments can give pets a little relief from these biting pests.

Dr. John Tyler, a specialist in small animal medicine at Mississippi State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, said a combination of treatments usually works best to rid fleas from pets and their environment. Traditional insecticide foggers are ineffective at treating flea infestations.

June 26, 1998 - Filed Under: Watermelon Cantaloupe and Cucumber, Watermelons

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mississippi watermelon growers may be frustrated with the drought that caused low numbers, but consumers are enjoying a sweeter taste from the 1998 crop.

Dr. David Nagel, horticulture specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said the sunny days without rain resulted in smaller melons with more sugar.

June 19, 1998 - Filed Under: Crops

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mississippi's unpredictable weather is keeping farmers guessing, and recent hail damage is forcing some growers to make their toughest decisions.

County agents and specialists with Mississippi State University's Extension Service have been busy across the state during this year's crop season. A cool, wet spring followed by the hotter and drier than normal months of May and June produced two sets of challenges, but recent hail storms may have dealt the hardest blows yet.

June 15, 1998 - Filed Under: Waste Management

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Livestock producers, especially those involved in swine, dairy, and poultry operations, are seeking answers from Mississippi State University researchers about the proper storage and use of animal waste as a soil nutrient.

June 15, 1998 - Filed Under: Community

By Marcela Cartagena

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Despite France's 400 varieties of cheese which could confuse a mouse, thousands of consumers consider Mississippi State University's scarce variety of cheeses to be among the best.

"There are so many good cheeses available to consumers, but our cheeses rank among the best," said Dr. Charles White, head of MSU's Food Science and Technology Department. "Our cheese is made with high quality raw milk from university cows."

June 15, 1998 - Filed Under: Pests

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- What works in a spray bottle to control insects on tomato plants in the back yard also works to control cotton's No. 1 pest when sprayed from an airplane.

Malathion is a very common insecticide used by cities to control mosquitoes, gardeners to control vegetable pests, homeowners to control cockroaches, farmers to control boll weevils and pet owners to control pet pests. Even the concentration is similar for each of these applications.

June 15, 1998 - Filed Under: Pets

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Guinea pigs, chinchillas, rats, mice, hamsters and gerbils are popular in pet stores, but taking home and caring for some of these animals can be difficult.

Dr. John Harkness, laboratory animal veterinarian at Mississippi State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, said packaged pet foods do not always meet pet rodents' dietary needs.

"Owners of small rodents, especially of guinea pigs, usually buy feed from the colorful and often overpriced array of boxes and bags available in retail pet stores," Harkness said.


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