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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
P1776 Planting Southern Pines: A Guide to Species Selection and Planting Techniques Forestry 10-21-22
E0038 2010 Cotton Maturity Guide Cotton 11-06-14
5854 Fence Line Feeder Agriculture 09-17-14
P1431 Freezing Vegetables: 4-H Food Preservation Project Unit 2 4-H, Health and Wellness, Youth Projects, Food 05-19-23
P1473 4-H Forestry Project No.7-Measuring Standing Sawtimber 4-H, 4-H Forestry 07-22-22
P1532 Weed Control Guidelines for Mississippi Weed Control for Crops, Weed Control for Forages, Weed Control for Lawn and Garden 04-06-23
P0610 Parents - Partners on the 4-H Team Volunteers, Family 01-22-20
P0802 Cotton Seedling Disease Control Cotton 03-07-16
P1542 Canning Fruits & Tomatoes 4-H Food Preservation Project Unit 3 4-H, Health and Wellness, Youth Projects, Food 10-28-22
P1136 Showmanship and Grooming Youth Livestock 08-23-24
P1576 4-H Bread Project: Fun with Quick Breads Youth Projects, Food, Nutrition 09-09-24
P1182 Hatching Quality Chicks Poultry 12-05-24
E0044 One To Grow On - Generic Children and Parenting 11-06-14
E0043 One To Grow On - Veggies Children and Parenting 11-06-14
P1709 Wildflowers for Mississippi Meadows and Gardens Flower Gardens 09-24-24
E0042 One To Grow On - Fruits Children and Parenting 11-06-14
5778-B Head Gate (iron) plus other equipment Agriculture 09-17-14
6023 Free Stall System - Dairy Dairy 01-23-17
P1962 Pesticides: Benefits and Risks Insects-Crop Pests 01-30-25
P1991 4-H Forestry Competition Handbook 4-H, 4-H Forestry, Forestry 10-12-23
