MVLA Outstanding Volunteer Leaders

MVLA Seeks Nominations for Outstanding 4-H Volunteer Leaders

Two women hold a plaque in front of the American flag
Patricia (She She) Cross (l) was one of 12 Outstanding Volunteer Leaders recognized  in 2024.

Recognizing volunteers for their hard work and dedication is very important to the 4-H Youth Development Program and MVLA. Every county has outstanding volunteers who should be considered for these special awards.

The Outstanding 4-H Volunteer Leader Nomination Form is available below and must be filled out for each applicant and submitted via e-mail to the State 4-H office to Rebecca Perkins at [email protected]. As this is a very competitive award, letters of support and detailed information about the nominee’s 4-H Volunteer work are encouraged.

The deadline for submitting award applications this year is January 31, 2025. Awardees will be recognized at the Annual 4-H Mississippi Volunteer Leaders’ Association’s Awards Banquet, which will be held February 21, 2025 at the Mississippi State University Bost Building B Conference Center.

Volunteers in the following categories will be recognized:

  • Harvey Gordon Rising Star Outstanding Volunteer Award – recognizes 4-H Volunteer Leaders with 1–3 years of service
  • Outstanding Volunteer Leader Award – recognizes 4-H Volunteer Leaders with 4-10 years of service
  • Ruby Beckley Lifetime Outstanding Volunteer Leader Award – recognizes  4-H Volunteer Leaders with more than 10 years of service

While they are always worthy, recipients can only receive the award once in each category. For questions, contact the MSU State 4-H office or Connie Darden, MVLA President at 601-403-2280 or [email protected].

Nominate a Volunteer from your county today!

Download the Forms

Nomination Form for the Mississippi Outstanding 4-H Volunteer Leaders Awards - Due January 31, 2025

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Two women smile as they enjoy colorful potted ornamental plants.
Filed Under: Junior Master Wellness Volunteer, Master Gardener, Mississippi 4-H Volunteer Leaders' Association - MVLA, Natural Resources January 3, 2018

Success Stories

A group of five people, each holding awards, smiling.
Volume 9 Number 1

Ray Henderson’s love for the outdoors began in his youth with learning by doing in 4-H Forestry. He won the State 4-H Congress competition, went to nationals, and placed fifth. After he aged out of the youth development program, he pursued a career with the U.S. Forest Service, and he volunteered in the 1990s as a coach for a few 4-H Forestry teams in Wayne and Greene Counties.

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